Ich bin Stephen.  

Scribbled by Stephen

Guten Tag!

Gonna leave Singapore this evening! Yay! Almost done with my packing. Only left to pack my loud speakers and toiletries after showering later.. :) Hate packing so troublesome..

I am learning German! hahaha. it is a pretty interesting language. Hope I can maintain my learning attitude for at least a month for the holiday..

Aiyo. Nothing much to say left.. hmmm..

Auf Wiedersehen, mein Freund! Bis demnachst.
Schonen Tag noch! :) :)


Scribbled by Stephen


Phew.. Still doing my packing. Should be 75% done now. Yay!!

Well, have been pretty hectic these two days. Watched Beverly Hills Chihuahua already; yesterday! YAY!! It was a great movie. Very funny and really enjoyed myself throughout the show. Now I feel like watching Madagascar 2. Supposed to watch it with my foster parents and family just now but couldnt get the ticket, so yea.

Spent the whole Thursday with foster parents and family today. Enjoyed myself pretty much. They are fantastic people. :)

Gonna spent almost whole day at school tmr! Sian! Gym training in the morning and court training afterward. BAH!!

Oh.. I am desperately waiting for the replyyy... -,-
But slowly, I found out that missing you is a beautiful tidings.

There is something that kept me happy. While packing I found this handwriting on my GP worksheet. Though it just consists of my name, class, a star, and a heart, the simplicity is amazingly reanimating! :)

Ah! read and found at Sparks' the wedding that love must have 4As. They are attention, appreciation, attention and affection. not bad eh?

Cheers! :D

No Title  

Scribbled by Stephen


I dont believe that recession is bad for everyone in business. Not at least in my mum's case. She told me yesterday that recession, that has brought the value of Indonesian Rupiah to its worst ever along the course of human history, had and is still helping their company to earn like several times extra profit. Well, she said the current situation helps exporting companies to thrive like crazy while importing companies is struggling like mad. And yea! I am happy for her, of course! :)

Good news also came from my elder brother in Australia. He told me that he had saved massive(in student's perspective) amount of money. Well, at least more than enough to buy a 2-way ticket from sydney to medan. He is happy because this time he doesnt need to depend on my mum to buy his air ticket home for holiday! Cheers for you! :)

Well, for myself self-imposed recession has taken its toll on me. I have only several hundreds of sing dollars left. Considering that I'll be departing on 1Dec, this is not an issue of course. There is nothing that I really want to buy now. So yea! depend on how much I have left, I'll perhaps just duty-free shop at the airport on Monday.

Training schedule is becoming screwed up. Two afternoon trainings on next week - Monday, Friday - and Wednesday morning.. =.= I prefer morning training to afternoon. :(

I wanna watch Beverly Hills Chihuahua. This kind of movie, in which animals could speak like human, never fails to interest me! Satisfaction guaranteed! :)

Went to my aunt's house yesterday at park infinia. Talk a lot about singapore's property. hahaha considering that she just bought the house, it was pretty fun discussing about it. Wanna get my own house and car too.. :(

I am so happy! she sent me an e-mail all the way from China! :) :)



Scribbled by Stephen


Today was a damn cool day.
Morning was just like normal training days.
In the afternoon, went to friend's condo to celebrate f's birthday. hahaha it was super fun. I got tricked too, by the girls -.-" A trickster got tricked. Uh.. pretty ironic, eh?!?

Then I had dinner with the boys in this indian-muslim restaurant called Al-jaherah or something. Anyway, guess it is a long the line of the notorious terrorist gathering ,Al-Jazeerah. Budget was $6 and yup! we managed to stick to the budget and in fact it cost everyone just $5.50 cos the drinks were paid by the birthday boy! hahaha. pretty lots of dishes! Like butter masala chicken, ginger beef, hotplate tofu, satay and kangkong belacan. It was worth I must say. Definitely so much better than a big mac set meal.

Then went to b's house to explore, chill and play cards and did one 'prank' call to one of the girls in our class. Love b's house! its a cool place. I suggested that we should make it our gathering headquarters from now on..

I believe that love is in the air for g. hahaha we kept making fun out of him.. <3

Yup! once again, today was a cool day!

1sc4, where the love unwinds.

And uh,, I am starting to love using '!!' while chatting in MSN.. hahah learnt it from my classmate.. Cool!! Apparently, it is used to express your shock or surprise or any adjective that suggest you getting flabbergasted like with both your eyebrows elevated and mouth agape. hahaha



Curious to see how my days gonna turn out tomorrow(S).  

Scribbled by Stephen

Hey there upper east siders..
Nah, just kidding!

Well, I am official jobless now. Nothing to do at all for at least another 2 weeks in Singapore. I just have to wait for the Olympiad test results to come out. Guess I would just spam my friend's nlb card and borrow a lot of books from there and start reading.

Talking about reading, it reminds me of the piles of holiday homework that is lurking to spring on me.. Dude! There are lots of work to be done. Name any subject and there is homework for all of them, WITHOUT FAIL. Certainly, now is not the mood to do those stuff. Holiday is holiday, and it always be.

I am running out of cash too. But I dont feel like asking my parents to send me more money. Well, I guess it is enough to sustain me for the last two weeks. I have not been shopping much and I am not planning to shop now. Thinking that 1 Singapore dollar is equivalent to Rp.8000 is enough to deter me from shopping unnecessarily. I am determined that I will just spend my money for social occasions. Like dinner with people or chipping in for somebody's birthday present.

Just went to Long House for dinner with .(point)4. It feels awesome to catch up with everyone. There were gabe, paul, kun, conrad, hy and me. Took bus home with hy and chatted quite a lot. hahaha

Curious to see how my days gonna turn out tomorrow(S).

PS: I love this morning! <3

Choiken Wings  

Scribbled by Stephen

Phew.. I was making my way round the chem notes when I started to feel helpless. I cant understand what the heck are n.m.r, a shape thingy in valence bond theory section that looks like the symbol of Bermudas' - a country - flag which looks like a fork to me. Then comes -sigma- -asterisk- p3. -.-' Oh well, I cant imagine what I gonna do for the whole 4 hours tmr! Maybe I will work on the questions for the first 1 or 2 hours and then just sleep. :(

This reminds me of the cliche: when the going gets tough, the tough should get going. Pretty UNapplicable this time. hahaha.

Oh, we just cook the rest of the leftover chicken wings yesterday. They smelled fantastic. I wasnt allowed to try though, cos there may not be enough for everyone tonight. :(

Guess I am addicted to Premier Soccer game in Facebook. Played 4 games, won 2 and lost 2. Anyways, I am pretty annoyed to see how my 18 challenge invitations to the other teams have not been accepted. I am dying to make my team stronger :(

And uh. perhaps I should take the 'runaholic' picture down. Not a passionate runner anymore. Too old to run.. hahaha

Dinner soon.

Ferry Fatimah Fatigue  

Scribbled by Stephen

Yesterday was a pretty cool day. I had barbecue at Labrador Park. Second time there, first time barbecue-ing there.

Oh well, reunion with former acjc(pae) lads. The food was superb. Never had i ever tasted any chicken wing better than the ones that i had yesterday. And Love the mussels too! HONEY-GLAZED mussels! :)

Had some setbacks initially, the charcoal did not want to catch fire. T.T We tried for perhaps almost 2 hours and we used up all the 20 fire starters and still no fire. Well, we finally asked help from those Caucasians. They gave us 4 (possibly) made-in-germany ball-shaped charcoal; but still the rest of the charcoal did not catch fire. Only until we asked them over to help us start the fire, our barbecue began. hahaha. pit was retty embarrassing and they kept on telling their friends that they were sharing some fire-starting skills with us. :)

Just got back from training. Well, i got held up at acjc for 1 hour THANKS to the rain. -.-
Chem olympiad is tmr! yea! CoP here I come!

PS: CoP = Certificate of Participation. :D

One night thing  

Scribbled by Stephen

This phrase is stuck in my head for so long that I really feel like writing something about this. About how meaningful it was and also about how ambiguous it left me afterward. Okay, it has nothing to do with sexual intimacy or whatsoever. I can guarantee that it will pass Singapore's censorship very easily as PG.

So, let me tell you about this one night stand. out of nowhere, coming from my little thoughts in my head. On that chilly night, you were there. There, just for me. It was the night that everything I have never thought of, came by just for me and I bury myself in those overwhelming emotions; of happiness, curiosity and uncertainty.

But now, you were gone. Gone to somewhere, all the way to the land of white mountains. Probably it is just a one night thing to you. But that means so much to me. Just to know, it is so much much more to me. The propinquity that we, or I, felt was so close. But I am wondering why it feels so far for me now. I am solemnly hoping that there could be another night, or just another try. Just another try and I will not care whatever they would say about me.

Sometimes, I think about how pitiful I am. Thinking of how hard to say those 8 letters 3 words. I will never forget that night. One night with you seems like worth of hundred nights with anyone else. Everything seemed perfect, the air was sweet and loving though filled with uncertainties. I was certain that we were doing fine. It was filled with hope, the hope that you gave. And the hope is still being kept alive to the point that ambiguity comes; that it goes on and off that I feel helpless.

I will never forget this one night thing. Even though when I find myself in someone else's arm, I will never forget this one night thing. Sweet and loving. I do not know how much it means to you, whether it is just a one night thing to you or more than that.

I am drowning in those sweet recollections.

I want to sleep some more so tired after coming back from training :(

You found out  

Scribbled by Stephen

Yea! I cant bottle my happiness up of having finished the choice.

Its a pretty cool book by Sparks. On the contrary, the ending is a happy one. Earlier on, I guessed that either Travis or Gabby(the protagonists) would die; and yea, it didn't actually happen. So I can say that its the first time that I feel satisfied and happy after reading his book.

Nothing much to do now.. -.- Class reunion was canceled or rather postponed as too few people can join. Oh well, havent been seeing .4 for sometime. :(

oh, I find myself in nostalgic mood. I am listening to Aaron Carter's. I used to listen to him pretty often when I was 7 or 8 I guess. hahaha. Around 10 years ago. :)

Wish there is something meaningful that I can do tonight. Perhaps I gonna stick my nose down to the untouched Chem Olympiad notes. Feel like playing some computer games, but dont really think it worths the while.

I feel like borrowing another book from the library. Perhaps, Jodi Piccolt's. Oh well, I gonna look out for some recommendations of her best book. :)

How did you know, because I never told.
You found out.
You must have heard it from my best friend.
You found out.
Were my emotions so easily read.
You found out.



Scribbled by Stephen

Everyone needs a little time
Everyone is a reason for a smile
Everyone wants to have some fun
Everyone wants to love someone

él estar chiflado por alguien  

Scribbled by Stephen

Today was pretty tiring!
Badminton training in the morning and watched movie in the afternoon. Well, I have to really admit that I am not really brainy on court - as in I am not really capitalizing the wonders of brain on court. I play more like a strength-type player who has little strategy behind his head but just charge blindly. hahaha.. Oh well. :( this is pretty embrassing.

And uh.. watch nights in rodanthe just now! it was quite nice. story-wise is great plus ultra cool grey-haired richard gere.. hahaha sad ending in the end.. T.T it makes me feel like reading the book itself. Anyway, I am reading, The Choice by Sparks, which i hope i can finish by tomorrow? hahah I suck at reading books - get distracted so easily! :(

I am going to study again tmr at library! then going to science centre with 2 classmates to somewhat 'crash' our class' bio trip. hahaha hope its going to be fun! :)



Scribbled by Stephen

I went to Jurong library again after lunch. :( Somehow I feel guilty if I completely abandon the idea of preparing for chem Olympiad, so I really went to study just now. Pretty productive, I guess. Definitely, more productive than yesterday. I managed to study for 3 hours only, inclusive of me dozing off at times.

Phew.. It is not an easy stuff to learn. Stereoisomerism, enantiomers, diastereomers, cycloalkenes, chiral, blah blah blah.. all new to me.. -.-

Well, went back to hostel after that for shower and dinner before going plaza sing with y to meet up with some acsi dudes. Well, we are supposed to go there for dinner. But Y persuaded me to have dinner at hostel before going; recession. Well, he has a point there, i admit.. Gotta be more conservative in my spending.. :( perhaps I must postpone my pre-christmas shopping.
Well, we had dinner at cafe cartel, me and y ended up chomping at the free flow bread plus unlimited butter. Looks like I am a bit tipsy cause of too much butter.. hahaa

Oh! I have training tomorrow morning! I have missed 3 sessions!! hahaha..
1st cause I didnt receive the text
2nd cause of class chalet
3rd cause of OP..
Oh well. So I am not a ponner or slacker!


Quiero hacerte sonreír!  

Scribbled by Stephen

Uh.. feel so lethargic now.
There was PAT 'miniature' concert just now. Pretty well done, I guess. The food was.. just okay I think, wasnt that incredible after all. But anyway, for young cooks, it is considered to be awesome.

And uh.. I was glad I could keep my foster parents happy just now.. Think we had quite a good time chatting. :)

Oh! I just made up my mind that I would actually 'DO' something about my Chemistry Olympiad thing. I went to Jurong Library to study. Took up the 3 hours of my day today. But it wasnt very productive I must say; I kept on dozing off after reading a few paragraphs. All in all, it was pretty interesting. I learnt about Organic Chemistry. It was such a big topic that there were books as thick as Oxford 6th Edition dictionary just to discuss about Organic Chemistry. -,- Well, of course I am aware that there is nothing much that I can do right now, but guess i should just take it as a learning journey! (Oh dude, I feel like puking when I find that I can come up with this 'learning journey' term, disgusting i think!)

But there are analytical chem, physical chem, and inorganic chem yet to be covered. -.-

Something is keeping me happy right now.. :) :)
Pienso en ti todos los días


UK Garage  

Scribbled by Stephen

Finally PW is officially over. Yay!! EUPHORIA!!

But I am pretty sad as well. PW was be last thing that would gather everyone at school. So, once PW was over, it will be very unlikely for SC4 to meet up. :(

So, for the whole holiday, I'll practically have nothing to do = sian, eh!?!
Anyway, I am supposed to be studying and preparing for my Chem Olympiad. But I cant! The library is being so uncooperative for not allowing people to borrow books for at least the next few weeks, I think. Yea. So Practically I have nothing to refer to; actually there are notes compiled by our lovely Chem subject head, but those notes are very complicated and so yea! pretty un-understandable. -,-"

By the way, I have lost my interest in it too. I would like to pass the theoretical tests and then selected for the practical test = at least bronze, depending on your performance in the practical test, you will get either gold, silver or bronze. But, looking at the rate at which I am preparing, it seems impossible. Well, to add NaCl to my wound, school library is not open on weekends. Which means, provided that I WANT TO STUDY, I have to go to National Library.

Perhaps it is a good idea to keep my nose on those chem text books rather than going out shopping; especially in this period of recession.

Oh! I guess our OP was 'A' material! So, all we have to do now is to wait and see the results.. Ah! The suspense is killing me! ^^ Cheers for AC153. PS: Maybe we should have gone to celebrate it with a drink or two... hahaha just kidding.


Fueled to Claim 5As for All PW Group Members  

Scribbled by Stephen

Well, I suddenly feel the surge to shout this out loud!
My heart is beating fast and extremely fueled to materialize this!

Oh dude! I somehow lost my interest in Chem Olympiad. I wonder whether I should just settle for Participation or go the extra mile for Bronze which means I have to do well for the theoretical test on 18Nov such that I am selected for the next practical test on 27Nov.
I have to admit that it is a daunting task. I know my limit well and I am not really confident about Chem Olympiad.
Gotta find some things to inspire me soon.

Anyways, First priority must be PW!
Cheers!! ^^

Class Chalet  

Scribbled by Stephen

Hey there!

3/4 Nov 2008. Just had class chalet and barbecue yesterday. It was very much awesome, but definitely very tiring; I reached hostel at around 12pm, showered and simply just collapsed into my bed and hibernate. I slept for almost 7.5 hours. Yes, I woke up at 7:20pm. Wished I could sleep longer.. -,-

I was really having fun yesterday! Enjoying 2 days and 1 night together with friends. Swimming in the sea, frees bee-ing, playing soccer, plucking coconuts, smashing coconuts, prying coconuts until my finger bled, dumping and being dumped into the pool, enjoying the night air at the pool side by a can of Budweiser, watching people getting high due to alcohol, night walking, ghost-story story telling - which left me having perpetual goose bumps in the night.

Almost died of fatigue.. phew..

Great days. Good friends. Great Pizza

I think about you  

Scribbled by Stephen

I have to be working but I can't concentrate.
I have to be memorizing, but just staring, staring nothing.
I have to be practicing instead of stoning about.
I have to be reading instead of drifting, drifting nowhere.
I have to be sleeping not tossing around in my bed.

I think about you.
I think about you.
I think about you.

Can't get a rest.
Can't help myself.
There is no one else.

That is all I can do.