I am tagged!! OH MY SON!  

Scribbled by Stephen

A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

B) Tag 5 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse.These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by.Continue this game by sending it to other people.

tagged by BASTA.

1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your first reaction be?
- find out why! =D

2. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
- Live by a ranch with a warm family in New Zealand.

3. What is your dream car?
- Scuderia Ferrari. F1!!

4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
- Not really. Tomorrow will be more beautiful than ever.

5. What's your ideal lover like?
- Motherly. one that can cook me food!

6. Which would you rather, loving someone or being loved by someone?
- loved by someone.

7. How long do you intend to wait for someone u really love?
- Until she wants to run away from me. hahaha. LOL!!

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?

9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
- GP ARTICLE!! 36! I am currently short of 24 articles!

10. Are you in love or being loved now?
- In love.

11. How do you want to see yourself in ten years time?
- Well-established career with a loyal girlfriend = potential wife! ^^

12. Who are currently the most important people to you?
- My family. WHO ELSE? like duh...

13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
- Joker and uh, very nice like strawberry.

14. Would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?
- married but poor. Love enriches one better than money!

15. What's the first thing you do every morning?
- yawn.

16. Would you give your all in a relationship?
- I will try to.

17. If you fall in love with two girls simultaneously, who would you pick?
- DEFINE LOVE! hahaha. The one who cooks better.

18. Would you fall for a friend?
- DEFINE FALL!! quite likely, strangers do not trip me anyhow.

19. What type of friends do you like?
- Friends.

20. What type of people do you dislike?
- The one who keeps too many secrets and selfish.

5 people i'm tagging:
I am not tagging!


Scribbled by Stephen

This will Mess With Your Head.






Everyone has a little dirty laundry  

Scribbled by Stephen

Finally, the mid-year terms ended.. with spectacles, perhaps.
Anyway, I think I have done pretty well. So far, I cannot rule out the fact the I can still get all As for all the subjects. Still, GP and Econs are the two most doubtful ones. I am elated, of course.

After that was a class outing to Dhoby Ghaut for lunch and movie-marathon - alright, two movies can be considered too, cant they? Watched, "Get Smart" and "Wanted". Both are pretty entertaining movie, well at least worth the $6 each.

There are three significant events on my itinerary:
1. Beach party at West Coast Park in the afternoon.
2. An intra-boarding school Tennis Competition.
3. Reunion with pointFour(.4) and overnight cycling.


Missed the Semis last night between Spain and Russia cos all my plans went wrong due to the not-working internet connection. Plan was that I will watch Desperate Housewives all the way until 3am then went down to the TV room to catch the match. Oh well, I accidentally fell asleep. Woke up ridiculously at 6:20 - by reflex - and got back to sleep. Just finished D.H ep2 part B and watching the ep3 now. Hope I can finish the season 1 by the end of next week.

Tennis and stay out at my cousin's house.

So uh.. thats all.

I love tennis!  

Scribbled by Stephen

Phew.. Yesterday was definitely a tiring day. Woke up early at 8am in the morning for GEL after watching Portugal vs Germany at 3am. The GEL was.. a bit helpful; learnt some useful answering techniques! Then went to POSB over at Holland where I met two canoeing girls asking for direction to Orchard. hahaha. What a coincidence.

Next after lunch in the afternoon, toured around vivo city to look for a present that I already had in my mind. So I wandered around and around for two hours there but to no avail. Anyway, I was surprised how could vivo city doesnt have that 'thing'. So I took MRT to City hall and go to Raffles City Mall where I finally found that 'thing' and the other 'thing' at Marina Square. It was already 5 and I supposed to reach ACSI for a soccer match already.

Coincidentally met an IB Indonesian scholar at Suntec City who is the organizer of the "reunion-soccer" match. So, we took MRT back to ACSI together. Completely unprepared, I borrowed his shirt and his pants and played bare-footed. We played until 7+ before having dinner at 'Broadway' which is just opposite ACSI.

The match was so tiring cos everyone was scattering around leaving the centre-half empty and I was forced to take up that position otherwise, without a centre-half player we would definitely lose. So it was like a linking player between the defenders and attackers, kind of dictating the opponent's tempo and build up the offense. So I had to run and run receiving passes and then scanned around to spot for attacking opportunities. Overall, played quite well, made a few trademark dashing runs to confuse defenders, and scored several times. It was a self-fulfilling game! NICE GAME, friends!! =D And so, the whole day GONE!!

Find it satisfying to catch up with the rest. And we are expecting for a comeback in ACSI Annual Asean cup which we won last year. So uh, the J1s will form a team and play as guest-team in the competition which will be held on Mid-August. yay!! Lets show them what the last year's champion is like, and rock them!

ZOMG!! GP test in Monday! Mid-year exam is starting!! YAY!! DIE!!

Going to play tennis this afternoon. so I am analyzing some tennis videos now. Tennis is flowing in my nerves! I love tennis! ^^


midnight call to slumberland  

Scribbled by Stephen

I almost spent my entire afternoon changing my blog skin and uh.. so this is the result!
Quite nice! I like it.
After sometime, it really looks like it needs a change. A pre-washed denim for my new skin, quite timely to freshen up this obsolete-looking blog of mine. hahaha.

Then spent the whole evening revising chemistry. yay!
The hostel seems to get more crowded now since everyone has started checking-in after going home for holidays.

Hmm.. I need to plan my birthday present for my friend.. think-thank-thunk.. ^^ Must be of the best and nicest, SS's trademark!

And uh.. Here is a fabulous work-of-art by my classmate:

The real canvas work is appraised at approximately SC4$100,000,000. The money will eventually go to "Sutan's pocket money welfare fund", a non-profit organization seeking to improve the quality of my life. so uh.. anyone interested? so I am not plagiarizing other's art, merely promoting it. ^^

Alright, the clock ticks 12:40 now. gotta go brush my teeth, wash my face and feet then surrender to my slumber-paradise.


Quiz + Quiz = 2 Quizzes  

Scribbled by Stephen

Here are some random quizzes that I have been taking recently, not so reliable though, I guess. but who cares! hahaha

What English Word Are You?
You love to investigate and find out about the mysteries of life and nature. You always ask a lot of questions until you get an answer.

What's Your Style?
My result is: You're casual!
You go with the flow and hate freaking out or jittering over simple things. Your clothes, like your handwriting and attitude reflect contentness and fun. You love getting out and living the sweet life and nobody can stop you from smiling

What's Your Best Quality?
My result is: Ambitious

Your best quality is ambitious! People like you because you are a determined person. Once you set a goal for yourself you do whatever it takes to achieve it.

what fragrance are you?

My result is: Aqua blueYou are clean fresh fragrance.Your color is cool aqua blue. You are like DOLCE&GABBANAs light blue

When will you get married?
My result is: Average 23-29 Years
You know you love this guy/girl,and you have, but you wanted to make sure before commiting. Good choice.

Ahh.. I am a bit ridiculed by the last one though. hahaha! ^^


Scribbled by Stephen

Hey there! Finally can find a time to write something today cos today was a considerably hectic day!

Alright, yesterday, Foster parents outing was so exciting. I had a great time and they were very warm, yea! absolutely warm. Aunt picked us up at the Kallang MRT then went over to her house to have a home-cooked dinner.They have 3 children, 2 boys and 1 girl. One of the boys is in ACJC, J1. Anyway, I forgot to bring my back - nah! bag la - back from there and just realized it when I got back and found out that I didnt have my wallet with me. hahaha it was so funny! Then this morning he passed it to me and that is the reason why I brought 3 bags - people have been asking me and I have been tired explaining it - to the class today, inclusive of a shoebag!

After the essay feedback thing I had one-on-one CAPERS with my own tutor, which is when I start to realize that actually she is better in teaching content subject rather than answering questions techniques. It was wonderful that I could finish up the entire chapter three in a very short time, 1 hour and 10 minutes, I think. Not only finish up, but completely understand the concepts and get the real BIG picture about it. and yea! I am very glad of it.

Then, uh.. there was ACJC badminton trial. I was there to help out and unfortunately, this year the applicants are pretty bad. sigh.. never mind then! since our team consists of mostly J1 players this year. I felt so tired after the entire thing. No wonder the badminton girls told me that I looked really tired today, like from my face. My strokes got a bit rusty but more powerful, after all the gymming that I have done during the beginning of school holidays. Still, I didnt lose any game today, 1 singles and 2 doubles. Good! so uh. My plan is just to concentrate in increasing my strength somemore, especially for my backhand and smash. I am hoping that I can have a one-hit-K.O smash! ^ ^

so uh. It was a fun day all in all. get to meet up with classmates (finally?) and someone told me this: '地球是樂園' Cool! I am loving this quote and hope to spread it!!

And uh.. I got this chocolate gift from my classmate who just came back from Vienna! A Mozart Chocolate! How cool is that! hahaha. It think I wont eat it and keep it sitting nicely on my desk. Perhaps, I will only eat the chocolate like one day before it gets expired! cool!! ^^ And that made my day too.

hahaha. Its true that:

by the way, it means the world is a happy garden

Catching up with you  

Scribbled by Stephen

Update on what happened yesterday, Saturday, 15June.
Woke up late, went down to the computer room and watch Gossip Girls then had a bathe and light brunch before heading to my cousin's house to play DOtA and tennis.

The cool part was that his PC's monitor was in a good condition two days ago but when we were about to switch it on, it sort of burnt! Whenever we tried switching on the monitor, I crackled and the sound was just like the burning wood in a campfire. So scary. hahaha. Smartly, we made up for the spoilt monitor by using his HD Panasonic TV instead. cool. I have never played computer games in a TV before and in such a super big screen before! Despite of the crisis that we had, we managed to play 3 gammes before heading down to the tennis court and try my new tennis racket.

The game was fun, managed to learn quite a number of useful techniques and spins. Anyway, just like how normal amateurs train, we spent more time picking up balls than rallying. Time flew with rapidity, without knowing it was 8.20 when we finished playing, which means we played for almost 4 hours. Unbelievable. Anyway, my right hand hurts. Probably because of too many shocks "unabsorbed". I completely forgot to buy a shock absorber to my new racket on the day I bought it. Uh, I will buy one when I am going out later.

Then we drove to IMM to have a dinner at pepper lunch and it was my first meal in peeper lunch. I didnt know that it is good. As long as I can remember, most my friends have never recommended to dine over there. Now that I know. ^^ after that we went checking on electronic goods at the 'BEST' before he drove me back to the hostel.

Quite a nice day! and I had lots of fun!
No soccer match for me yesterday, wanted to sleep early but ended up chatting until late at 2am. It means someone just had at most 5 hours of sleep before this morning activity or rather, commitment. ^^

And uh yea! Happy "Singapore's" Father's day!
cos all over the world, Father's day is celebrated at different days; maybe for the sake of commercial gain or something else. anyway, my point is that since there is almost 200 nations in the world it means that you can wish you father or some other guy Happy Father's day every day since there is probability of 200/365 that it is a father's day on that particular day , which is higher than 50%!! cool isnt it?!?

Gotta meet my foster parents at the Kallang MRT at 5pm today. They are picking me up for a dinner somewhere. No dress code specified, means we will just have uh, not-high-table dinner? I suppose? glad that it is not cos..uh..never mind. Hope that it will be a wonderful bonding-time together and not an awkward dinner.

'And who am I? thats a secret I'll never tell. you know you love me. X.O.X.O' I dont know why this thing keeps on ringing in my mind. hahaha
Cant wait to finish the series soon. 1 more episode to finish!!



Scribbled by Stephen

Another The one and only source to the scandalous lives of the Manhattan's elite, X.O.X.O Gossip Girls day. not bad, watching the 10th episode now! :)

Went to the Indonesian Embassy to collect my passport today after going there yesterday to apply for changing my address in Singapore. Yay! Anyway, I regret for not extending my passport earlier in Singapore. It would just have cost me around $50 compared to $150 that I paid to renew in Indonesia. Sigh.. I could have used the excess $100 for my extra shopping budget. ><

Then went to Cathay to have dinner at the Pasta Mania and watch 'The Happening' with A. The dinner was kind of weird, I say. I asked A to suggest me the oddest or rather the most exotic name of pasta from the list. A chose one that sounds like "Arabbiata", If I am not wrong. Recalling such exotic name gives me some problems too. So, uh. yea! its name sounds as exotic as its taste. I found out from the menu book later on that it is just a vegetarian pasta with lots of chili. Lucky me, I can take spicy food cos I am INDONESIAN - not a so-big-deal-to-brag about actually. Added up plenty plenty of parmesan cheese and I think it tasted better so.

The MOVIE! uh, its a failure. I think it is just a movie inspired by a hard-end-extreme environmentalist who kind of THREAT or SCARE you about how the nature will revenge for all the harm that we have done to It. He made it as if It gonna be a very big deal cos In the movie, it says that the plants are actually releasing some kind of chemical toxic that will attack your nervous system causing distorted speech(like when YOU are drunk) and then will kill himself in the most unthinkable way such as construction workers will continue on walking past the barriers from some considerable high storey of the construction site and finally fell down flat to the floor unconsciously and eventually die. OR some loggers hanging themselves on the trees and DIE. aiyo! the entire movie is just ridiculous and suggesting someone to watch the movie will be the last thing that I will do. And suggesting someone to watch X.O.X.O Gossip Girls will be the first on my suggested-things-to-do list.

And the cool part about the movie was our seats! To sacrifice for a better view for the movie, we picked the seats C6 and D6 which C6 was right behind D6 cos we booked the ticket too late kind of 40 minutes before the show started. And to decide who sit where we played ci ku pak which won, yay! hahaha

And uh. we gossiped a lot too. and.. nothing to be shared! ^^

Okay! gotta go now. I have to watch Germany's match. Gonna be an exciting match cos Germany will be playing an exciting attacking style of football. Sounds awesome.

Ah, and my dp for today: 如果我要看上她 有什么关系?反正我想爱你, 也见不到你.
So scandalous, but maybe thats actually what I am thinking now, perhaps, thats all.
Shaken but not so much.
my deepest apology.

so, uh..


Scribbled by Stephen


Whirlwind on a sand-castle  

Scribbled by Stephen

Hello! Today was a shopping day! Oh no! My limbs are dying! So tired. I think I walked somehow around 10km today.

Went to the Indonesian Embassy - Chatsworth Road - at first to change my address in Singapore for some administration purposes only to find that their working hours are from 9am to 12pm (I arrived at slightly before 2). Oh so sad! hahaha. Then I intended to walk from there to the nearest bus-stop which is 400m away to go to Orchard. I walked and walked but couldnt find the bus-stop until I saw a road-sign saying like 'turn left to Orchard Road and Scotts Road'. Haha So in the end I walked all the way to Orchard! The total distance was around 2.4km, I guess, eh estimate, eh exaggerate.

Anyway,just shopped around the vicinity of the TANGS. Its a bit unbelievable though, I spent just slightly over $50 today. Not my day I think, haha. But its good. I am getting able to restrict my shopping craze.

Oh! on the way home while riding a bus, I listened to three 50s fellow passengers talking about the transport system in Singapore. haha. They are so vocal and interesting that I removed one of my earphone and listened to their conversation. I remembered about them talking how stupid the people who designed the bus to have triangular seats at the corners of the bus which eventually results in less space available for passengers to seat and ALSO, the possibility of wrong accusation of molestation when a woman sits in between guys at these corners. I found it amusing and intriguing as well. So I just smiled to myself. And one of the more vocal uncles praised my smile, he said 'young man! I like you smile, you smile is so handsome!' but not with the kind of soft and ku niang tone, haha he sounded very Macho! And somemore they criticize the government too! They talked about how they are living in luxury and do not experience the live of commuters, waiting bus for hours and so on! COOL! Its difficult to find such vocal Singaporeans these days! And They somehow sighed about this too! So interesting!

hahaha. SMILE!!

Its a beautiful day! but not for now, I guess. There is gale, or whirlwind, or some noisy and powerful wind outside! Funny I think, It rained just for a while and the stop very soon. Freaky weather on Tuesday, hmm not so cool.


hahaha. Means I have to go to the embassy again tomorrow. Phew.. so tiring! Ah, so FUN! I love traveling! ^ ^


Stephen Opera House  

Scribbled by Stephen

Hello! uh. Its 10/06 midnight. ><

Today wasn't a productive day. Phew.. Barely finished my EoM after spending the whole afternoon looking for an appropriate article and I fell asleep like around 4pm while doing that. A lot of trivial intermittent distractions. Anyway, Its DONE!! Yea! I am so happy.

By the way, Stephen Opera House. Perhaps it is suitable for me. Its freezing cold here in the Sydney Opera House, apparently. I am supposedly visiting my brother THERE and have dinner with my mother and brother over THERE in Sydney. I am surprised that some of my lovely classmates believed my story or rather fairy-tale. Cool!

Okay! my last days in Indonesia was so heart-thumping and exciting at the same time. Last Saturday, we planned to hang out at SUN Plaza(arguably the best and most prestigious shopping mall in Medan). The outing started off nicely as I grabbed a Chocolate Croissant from the BreadTalk and a cup of 'caffe vanilla frapuccino' - which I did not know why I ordered because all this time I would only have Caramel Machiato - while waiting for the rest to come. They came and we gathered.


So shocking was it that I couldnt believe she was there right in front of me. My heart jumped and I turned my back to her instantaneously trying to digest the fact, my pathological fear for all this time came to haunt me. I knew that going there on Saturday was risky. I knew before hand that I might see Ms Y, but remembering that it might be my last outing with the 'gank' I shrugged it off with the unlikeliness to SO COINCIDENTALLY meet her in the vast Shopping Mall. I hoped that she did see me, as I did not notice her initially until we came to as close as 1 metre apart. She was sitting savoring her drinks while chatting with her friends. But my friends said that she had been staring at me when we were talking towards her and they were surprised to know that I did not notice her at first. Phew.. So scary.

I just caught a glimpse of her face, turned my back, and walked away like a loser.
Truthfully, Mr.A misses Ms.Y. but the past is so scathing that Mr.A doesnt want to see Ms.Y for now. At least He still can't see anyone with her name, her face and her voice. Somemore in this period when I... uh.. forget about it!

Uh. dont want to get emo now.. Arrghhh.

Alright! Then we went on to have karaoke at a place called K2(Karaoke Keluarga or Family Karaoke). I didnt get much chance to showcase my golden voice though, for the entire hour I only sang four songs.yen lai ni se me dou bu xiang yau......... hahaha.

And for the finale.... we went to a nearby hawker center to eat. I find it amusing when they say the hawker center is yu phi, yu chi, yu ke lo pi(Hokkien) - also cheap, also fresh, also on the roadside. It is funnier in Hokkien cos it rhymes with the 'i' endings.


Okay! I gotta go! gotta watch soccer now. Nice match! the Netherlands vs Italy! Yay!!

And yea! I am in Singapore. not SYDNEY visiting my brother nor in ALASKA fishing seals and penguins and baby polar bears.


Listen to the merry-go-round goes  

Scribbled by Stephen

So I tell you "good morning" and then fall asleep and get back to my dreams again. Even if I'll do this every single day, I will never be bored because this is what I have been wanting. I will put my arms around your shoulders and my hands on yours speaking words of affection because I want to be your best bestest friend.
So I say "good morning" and then leave you a happy message. Hoping that today will be a beautiful day, more beautiful than the days before. Actually, These kinds of simple and obvious things are the easiest to lose track of. Therefore, I want to live up the most precious 'me' to everyone else!

And so yea!
Listen to the merry-go-round goes.


Cheapo Romance  

Scribbled by Stephen

Your eyes stare like an arrow, which you released to the centre of my heart. Although you keep your emotions still, your breath still beautifies the atmosphere.
I dance at the end of sadness, following the rhyme of your manners. Although you sow the seeds of your grace, when will you ever harvest the fruits of love? What remains are just a bouquet of missings.
My nights would be like nights with thousands of stars lied on the skies framed by the starlights, if you were here. Just to accompany, just to cope with the grace which are all served on the side of the punctured heart.

Cheapo Romance