Just take the sweet part and ignore the bitter part. =D  

Scribbled by Stephen

Just take the sweet part and ignore the bitter part. =D

Be happy and always smile.

Radiant smile.

Think positively.

Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet - everyone is sweet is their own way

Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty - everyone is pretty in their own way.

Lovable, lovable, lovable, lovable - everyone is lovable from their head to toe if you think happily, positively, sweetly, and prettily!

Even your backside and shadow are lovable and my affection comes naturally. Waiting is fun now and even the air is pretty, sweet, and lovable!

You are lovable from head to toe. I was always so stiff but now I smile all day. I was so gloomy but now I smile all day. Let's love each other so that everyone is so jealous that they can't stand it!

Curb anger and spread love!

Spread Love!

aja aja FIGHTING!! ^^

"Good Friends, Great Sconers" ^^  

Scribbled by Stephen

Boring.. Boring.. Another boring day full of lectures, in which I almost ended up sleeping at each of them. Yeah. LOL. Two people approached me and admonished me for sleeping. One during GP lesson and and Chem Lecture. Sara said that watching me sleeping was really funny especially when I leaned my head back and forth. ha3. did not realize that I actually did that. And Jing Kai pinned my head while teasing the way I was sleeping.

Anyway, the good thing of today that I had "Special Bonding Day" with some of the Sconers : Edwin, Jia Yi, and Michele. We were planning to go for some GP lecture together but ended up stranded in front of LT 6 due to mis-information given by our GP tutor. ha3. Then we headed to the library and played scrabble which really helped us break through the invisible barrier among us.

"Good Friends, Great Sconers" - Plagarism on Pizza Hut's slogan ^^

It feels like >(  

Scribbled by Stephen


Umm.. Okay..

Heck with it!

More CRAP on Mr A  

Scribbled by Stephen

Miss X is really getting on my nerves! I am confused and many others are also feeling the same. She is really different, different and different. I really can't understand her.

I am confused.

Who is wrong by the way?

I just can't start it and I don't comprehend myself either! Am I too careless and naive? This is really disturbing! I don't understand why it is so difficult. It feels as if I am playing a single role movie - all by myself - I really can't trace the presence of my partner.

I admit that I, too, has slackened off. I was completely shaken by Miss Y during the holiday. I realized that we are unlikely logically thinking - I can't imagine having long distance relationship! Not in this age when we get shaken very easily. It was because of Miss X that I left Miss Y, now I really regret it! Can I go back to those days? I guess it will be pretty hard either, Miss Y is the type of popular girl - that is why I find it hard initially. Anyway, I don't want to have any shackle between us because we will just end up being 'another' person, not our true self, uniquely us.

Huff.. I decided not to contact her for some time. But surprisingly she knocked at me by MSN this afternoon. Happy but sad. I have deleted her from my contact and hope that I could hold on to my promise. I am sorry, I really can't, really can't. I don't want to meet anyone with your name, your face and your voice for the moment, it is very hard, I miss you too much. I have to learn to give up on you first. I didn't expect it to take this long. I am really sorry.

I have to learn to open my heart for somebody else. I am sorry.

So, What happened to the rest?  

Scribbled by Stephen

Indonesian Scholars:
- ACJC : In general they have done quite well for them to stay in ACJC. However, Andree, Ivan, and Wirawan's(I shall no reveal their real score due to personal matters) positions are a bit not secure. I really hope that their appeals are accepted and stay in ACJC. The past month has been very eventful with them. =) FIGHT!! Okay!?!

-RJC : Aliong is the only one in RJC, haha. Anyway, he is 2 points away from RJC cut off point, with the backing of hiss excellent CCA it is not impossible for him to stay in RJC. He looked quite disappointed with his result as well. Anyway, we will warmly welcome him if he decided to go to ACJC! ^^

-IB : generally well done. No one is above 10 right? Aiyah, heck with the result since they got DSA to ACS(IB). But some surprising matter is that Mario and Erik are not in the top students list; very much off from the popular belief.

-SAJC, NYJC, IJC, MJC : Sufficient! or actually even higher than the expected cut off point for thier respective JCs.. haha. Congratulations!!

One thing that I took note of is that those who have done very well n Prelims actually down-graded while those who did just okay have done very well for the O Level as in they improved, not little but really a lot!!

My conclusion is that: prelims is not an accurate gauge of your 'O' Level result! The most significant improvement is recorded by Nyoman Artha Megayasa - lol - from 24 to 18(from ineligible for JC to eligible to JC) really stupid isn't it? Stupid prelims! It is just making people suffer evetually. I can find nobody who can maintain their prelims result to 'O' level.

Some notable classmates are Paul and Hong Yi, stage-mate - top students of our cohort. ^^ Prentice, who was really touched by his result and cried after knowing that he has done decently - well congrats!! However, I heard that Leon was not so happy with his result and it was so much off from his previous prelims result. Look Ahead and FIGHT!! FIRE!! ^^

These are the seeds that we have planted with our own sweat and bitterness. So, the fruit is the gauge of our hardwork. If sweet, do not get complacent and keep on taking care of the tree - keep on watering and adding fertilizer to it. If bitter, don't be overly sad and put in more effort and care to it until the truly sweet fruit emerges!!

aja aja FIGHTING!!

My Personal Result : 'O' s  

Scribbled by Stephen

Huff.. Yesterday was a day full of tear and laughter. I am glad that I have done very well. Well, just as I have predicted earlier on, I shall get either 7 or 8 points. So, I have nothing really surprising about my result, except for one: 7 A1s!! Really ownage! I have never had any idea to the least that I will get beyond 6 A1s like I normally do in major exams for the past two years. An A1 for Literature was a true surprise for me. So, yeah, that makes 7 A1s : double maths, triple sciences, comb.humans and Literature; 1 A2 : Malay which I took last year; and finally 2 B3s for both languages - quite disappointed with it actually. I aimed for A2 in English, but anyway, I have tried my best and this is what I get! =) A true blessing indeed. Thank you Buddha Maitreya, my hard work is paid off handsomely. I am really happy! ^^

aja aja FIGHTING!!!

I still remembered you saying "I love you", saying "I’m the only one", saying "I’m everything"  

Scribbled by Stephen

I still remembered you saying "I love you", saying "I’m the only one", saying "I’m everything" however I want to forget your words. The incredible days and happy memories we had together keep hurting my heart. I really don’t want to meet anyone with your name, with your face, with your voice anymore! Because when I think of you, I miss you so much and I don’t want to cry missing your presence anymore.

I still remembered the time whenever I felt sad, you held me so tight. Needing to hear the words "I love you" to sleep well, you seem to treat me like a child, who really needs those pacifying words of yours. Even when you were hurt, you held your tears so I wouldn’t worry. Can I really forget someone as lovely as you?

If it’s not you, I don’t want anyone else. I can’t look at anyone else besides you. Nobody else. But I guess we have no choice this is the best for both of us. I wander around looking for only someone. someone with the same name, with a similar face, with a similar voice. I miss you. I want to hear your voice so much.

I miss you, I really want to go back to those time. Was I wrong to leave you? Though I were like a fool, you never once told even a white lie. So saying I don’t love you seems like a huge lie

If I could go back in time, I'd return to the day of the sad separation . So I could hold my tears and send you away with a smile.

I am Stephen, many call me Sutan but I am a SConeR now. 1SC1(one) .  

Scribbled by Stephen

Uh.. yeah.. Sconer. That's the term that ACJians - I can't say ACSians because it is ambiguous, it can be ACS(I), ACS Barker, ACS Primary, and bla bla bla - call the students from class SC1 read as SC-One-R.

Sconer has a lot of contrasting reputation - of course only two lah - good and bad.

The good ones are that: 1. Sconers normally do brilliantly well in exams
2. Sconers are well-known for being very 'bright' and 'smart'.
3. Sconers have supposedly the best of the best tutors.

But, they are also hated - probably 'not well-liked' by others - perhaps just because they are 'JEALOUS or whatever negative feeling that one may bear towards so-called 'brighter' students.

However, the bad ones are: 1. Sconers are known as MUGGER - 'don't be so harworking can?'
2. MAD! most of them are six-pointers - 'siaw ar? Six-pointer le.'
3. Too ON in classes - "walaw!! Why so on one?'
4. Too serious - 'can relax a bit, eh brudder?'

Haha.. whatever it is, I am about to experience a life of a Sconer. It sounds cool isn't it? SCONER!! haha. ^^ I think it will be a great experience because many would look at us with different perspectives - some may look up or even do not like us - Jelaous, Jealous, Jealous. haha.. Anyway, like what Mr. Sim told me: 'Play hard, study hard'

Homph.. Homph.. Homph.. hahaha

ACJC Badminton - Accepted!  

Scribbled by Stephen

Yeap, just as what the heading has aforementioned, I was accepted into ACJC Badminton through formal trial. Not bad man for one who always stays behind the shadow in ACSI. But it doesn't guarantee my placing in the team yet because certainly there are many seniors who are better than me.

Hmm.. Don't care! Just whack and train hard. A senior told me that, "they will call you mad if you train as hard as you were in ACS(I)." - Little Courtcraft, little running, a lot of gym-work. haha.. It is a bit unbelievable for the top three in Nationals last year.

After not been training for 7 months, my whole body ache the next day especially my right shoulder and thigh.

They said that the coach is a pervert and is a slacker. haha.. I can guess from his visage and aura that he is a joker, somehow i feel that he has the same wavelength as mine : joker. ^^

But T.T ACJC collects coach-fee from its respective members. It is about $30-50/month. CRAP!! So expensive. Well, ACS(I) is surely damn rich; almost negligible fee-collection and with superior amenities. ha3.. Miss ACS(I) training. This is the consequence of overly enjoying Sec 4 training.


First Training... X-Country  

Scribbled by Stephen

This afternoon was my first training in ACJC and it was Cross Country training. Thanks to the cool weather, the run was not that arduous and scorching and I managed to get over the run quite well although we were actually running under the rain for the first 20 minutes or so. I met many formidable runner, they were really awesome - a lot faster than me.

Anyway, it was actually my first cross country training before. I have been running with the badminton team but not so-called 'runaHOLIC' like them.

hmm.. some notable members are the captain - Allen, Vice-captain - Jaymond, and er.. forgot his name; he is a J4 student who came to help out with the training program, Cheng Yi - member and a former ACSI boy from 4.4. whose name I do not know.

Ahh.. So tired and got head-ache, due to rain perhaps.

Today is also rather queer, I have no idea what happened to Miss A because she somehow 'dao' me during the dinner. Aiyah, so many problems............. T.T

A Week Later... in ACJC  

Scribbled by Stephen

I just get started with 'internet-ing life' again because we need a LAN cable and had to apply for our own personal code to enjoy the internet facility. Anyway, it is much faster and much stricter here compared to ACS(I).

I am like a fish out of the pond these days. GIRLS DO MAKE DIFFERENCE.. ha3. Anyway, I lost control for quite a few times talking stuff that is rather taboo or exclusively for men. But, in the end they usually become jokes and we have lots of fun and laughter instead. JC life is wonderful for the time being. Can't judge the 'real' life yet. I am yet to taste the JC life.

Missing a lot of people:
1. Brothers in 4.4
2. Fellow gang members in 4.4
3. Fellow cleaning service in 4.4
4. Fellow Boarders
5. Fellow.. Badminton Team
6. Alton, who has been chatting with me these days
7. Seniors who have gone.. um.. not really sure.


Scribbled by Stephen

Uh.. I got this message from Alton: 'Stop Abusing Animals!!!'. In order to help you realize how gross it is please watch this video: http://www.petatv.com/tvpopup/video.asp?video=fur_farm&Player=wm

I guess we are cruel enough to eat their meat for our protein consumption and it is an adequate contribution to the well being of mankind by the animals. So, let's stop this nonsensical abuse to the animals. They do have brains and heart. They can feel pain and have emotions like we do, try to imagine that you are in the same position; helpless in the face of abuse and cruelty of others. Help each other out by spreading love, and curbing greed.

Please help to spread this out. Many thanks.

BAsta Kampret  

Scribbled by Stephen

HAri ini saya main scissors paper stone dan menang atas basta dengan skor telak 3-1. mantap..
basta kalah taruhan bersihin piring2 dan kolor2. haha
