Scribbled by Stephen



I just received an e-mail from Divya reminding me about the deadline of our personal EoM. I really didnt have many clues about what EoM until I read the PW hand-outs yesterday. E0M = Evaluation of Material. DOOD!! This is the consequence of having skipped too many PW lessons - Please mind that I didnt ponteng these lessons cos I have valid reasons like the A div Badminton. Somemore I went for a barbecue party yesterday and we ddidnt sleep the whole night. Okay! It was SUPER fun! We laughed as if we just had some Gymnopilus luteofolius. "Gymnopilus luteofolius, also known as Yellow-Gilled Gymnopilus is a large and widely distributed mushroom which grows in dense clusters on dead hardwoods and conifers. It has a rusty orange spore print and a bitter taste. It contains the hallucinogen psilocybin. In Japan this mushroom is called waraitake, which translates to 'laughing mushroom'". We just couldnt stop ourselves from laughing so wildly that some neighbours came over and complaint about our noise level that disturbed their sleep, apparently. hahaha

I got back at 7am (GMT 11pm) then sleep all the way until 2pm for lunch cos my mum forced me up. Had a shower afterwards and then slept again until 20 minutes ago which is 4pm. Fortunately, I dont feel sick or sore-throat though I had slight cold this morning.

Alright, I gotta have some rice-dumplings now and I think I am going out for dinner with my family. AWESOME! ^^

Oh! I succeeded in resisting myself from taking any alcoholic beverages yesterday! COOL! Just had some cans of Coke and plenty of water + sparkling Grape juice - which is non-alcoholic!

That reminds me of some Heineken cans that I just bought yesterday! Shiok!! ^^




Scribbled by Stephen


Today was quite a fun day!
This morning I went to the immigration office with my mum to get my passport done. She told me that I was lucky. She talked to an old acquaintance of her and she said that she has been waiting for like 3 weeks for her passport cos apparently the immigration office sort of ran out of passport book to print on. Amusing, I find it. In Indonesia, you can expect to see numerous unusual events. This is one example of them. Ah yea! There have been a lot of public demonstration/outcry here. The Mahasiswa - Maha=supreme/majestic/superior/or aything concerned with super duper quality and siswa=student. So Literally. mahasiswa means GOD-LIKE Students while actually they are just normal undergrads. LOL! What an awesome irony! Anyway, they are protesting against the government's decision to raise fuel price by 28.78~~% - cant really bothered by it. They burnt wheels - LIKE REAL RUBBER WHEELS such as Bridgestone and Michelin , etc - causing traffic jams and fear of casualties and at times fatalities too!
Haha. Creating uncertainties and insecurities have been the speciality of our infamous Mahasiswa! Cool but idiotic at the same time.

Never mind about it.
Ah! I played futsal with my old friends this afternoon. Quite fun! I owned! not bad! After all the fear that my skills have gotten rusty since I havent been playing much soccer this year. Scored some and created a few for my team mates. And we owned though we were short of one player!
Hahaha. ^^

Then we continued to have lunch at a padang food restaurant near my house. Though it is somehow just around 400m away from my home, I have never heard about this restaurant! Not bad! The food was quite nice and I ate heartily. Anyway, If you feel hungry, however sucks or rather bland the food is, they will taste damn nice. Oh, I ate damn a lot of chili just now, I scared that diarrhea my haunt me back again. T.T

Reached home at around 4pm then went on to shower and finish off my "further differentiation" tutorial. hahaha. Awesome la!! ^^

Oh, tomorrow I got a barbecue party, and I have told my parents. I better tell them now. :)

NB: (to soomebody) "d:" (AIYo!! It cant spin!) ^^ HAHA OH NO


Scribbled by Stephen

Sigh.. I just got back to medan, life suppose to be more blissful but then fell sick. Super ironic 1.
I am contradicting my statement earlier on. I am posting one at the moment. Super ironic 2.

Ah! I am pressing on my mum to go to "Terengganu, where nature embraces heritage". But she is getting my passport extended now cos it is expiring in 5 months time. I find it rather amusing that in Indonesia, you cannot leave the country if your passport is expiring in 6 months time. I guess it is just another avenue to scrap your money off from your wallet to the government, since you have to pay around US$80 for a new one. Sigh.. >.<

And as usual, mum scolded me for getting thinner and ,as always, darker. I wonder whats with being fairer. ^^

I have no idea how I could get sick - headache, vomiting and slight diarrhea - yesterday. perhaps food poisoning or something. I took some medicinal charcoal and a good long rest and TADA! I have recovered this morning. Fully energized and cheerful. It is quite fun to fall sick cos dad and mum are quite worried and they paid extra attention to me. An evil excuse to fall sick. hahaha.

Nothing so happening till today. Oh, I got a barbecue party with old friends this coming Friday! oh, it reminds me of SC1 barbecue over at jiayi's house last march. ^^

Bye Singa Land  

Scribbled by Stephen

Haha Yea!
I am taking off tonight.
4 hours to go.
I think I wont be posting anything then.
For two or three weeks.

I hear people say a real man cries.

Times of laughter and cry.
There are times you make me laugh
There are times you drive me insane.
There are times when I think I am yours,
But there are many times that I feel unsure either.

Never mind!
cos my patience is super strong.


And I'm gonna  

Scribbled by Stephen

Its has been long since we knew one another.
Sharing words and thoughts.
And thus my liking has been growing.
though at times you do not know.
how I am feeling.


I'm gonna love you until the end.
I'm gonna be your very true friend.
I'm gonna share your ups and downs.
I'm gonna be around you.

cos whenever you are not around.
I will always try to turn my thoughts.
to you.

Nice picture  

Scribbled by Stephen

I was browsing my facebook account and pictures when I found this AWESOME picture.

Everyone is all smiles.
Yea! how great the picture is!
Especially Wayne! hahaha look at his funny pose! Certainly he is unaware that someone is taking a picture.



Skin? Ugly? Perhaps.  

Scribbled by Stephen

Oops, many have complaint about how drab the skin of my blog looks like. Honestly, yea! It looks so drab and uninteresting.
But I am so lazy to change everything again..
Anyway, I replied that as long as it could serve its purpose I am glad enough. ^^
dont judge the book by its cover.
Be an innocent flower but a serpent under't

Cheers!! Cheers!! Cheerio!!

Its killing me  

Scribbled by Stephen

I wish I could tell her.
Keeping it inside is killing me.
I cant wait for another day.
I wish I could find the right words to say.
Perhaps, a right time to say.
Gotta work it out someday.

Lets talk about JC Life  

Scribbled by Stephen

Yeap! This is the topic that I have been dying to write! After experiencing a whole 5 months of JC life, I have enough content to write about.

Academic wise: Sucks.
Friends wise: Awesome.
Free time: Negligible.
Teachers: thumbs down.
CCA: Super tiring.

Now I realize how easy 'O' Level actually is. Many of current sec4 cohort will certainly disagree with me, neither will I if I were a sec4 student now. Truthfully, 'O' Level seems hard chiefly due to the pressure by your teachers and peers! Question- and content-wise, they are extremely MANAGEABLE!
-Secondary life is heaven compared to JC!

Honestly, I am not super stressed about JC life though I occasionally do - when there is a day when 2,3,4, or 5 equally important appointments are due and you know that time is not on your side.

Amusing it is, when I reminisce the time back during orientation. I was completely 'brainwashed' by the orientation program that I innocently believe that JC is going to be entirely more happening and exciting and enjoyable period than secondary schools.

Dont be fooled by the fewer number of subjects that you are taking in JC. 1 JC subject is approximately equivalent to 2.5 O level subjects.

This is aggravated by the more-often-than-not unhelpful tutors and lecturers. It is quite obvious that they try to teach too much while it is actually out of their capabilities to finish the syllabus on time. I think this is what many schools proudly boast as "INDEPENDENT LEARNING (sometimes including) JOURNEY (just for the sake of making it sound more 'docile')".

Okay, CCA-wise. In my case, training is 3 times a week and 3 hours for each session. start at 5 and end at 8. reach home at around 8.30 then do anything thats possible to be completed before midnight.

No Free time! I find myself, deliberately or not, taking of SOMEtime from the weekend to finish off any LEFTOVERS tutorial. This is hardly the practice of Secondary school life, at least in my case.

But in terms of friends, it is generally fantastic, still it depends on what class you are in. In the case of 1SC4, where the love unwinds, it is 'AWESOME la.' haha

Sometimes I feel I am putting up a smiling mask too, trying to bury some bitterness deep. Fortunately, most of the time it does not show. ^^

In a way I feel lucky. Lucky not to have 'pitted' myself into a famous and insanely popular IB school. Many old compatriots have expressed unspeakable angsts and rants listing their stress from EE, IOP to portfolio. pity them.

pity me - to a smaller extent.


bye school hello holiday  

Scribbled by Stephen

School term has officially ended. Frankly, I heart is sadder than happier. I find it difficult to leave school or rather the class. On the same time, I need to go back too! Mum is eagerly waiting for me at home! ^^

To wrap everything up, I am so disappointed with myself! I failed to achieve or rather fulfill what I aspire at school - this hardly has anything to do with my academic results which, overall, I am so glad of.

Today, particularly after school I think I had gone insane! Insane! I was so disappointed with myself having not to do something which could have changed the scenario of my life - ah, over-exaggeration or rather the course of this weekend. So sad I was that It really drove me crazy! It has made me insane. Just a few sentences could have completely change the ENTIRE THING!! But sadly, the lips stayed closed.

There's another event that disappointed me very much. Friendship! not so true! rather selfishness and greed. I have overlooked our friendship, simply put! Damn it! Honestly, now I find it hard to point out whether there is anything else to salvage!

Alas! Its not fun to end the post in sober mood.

Oh! hahaha. Mu flight is on Saturday evening! wow! My Medan! haha
Okay! I gotta start packing up my stuff!

A Division Badminton  

Scribbled by Stephen

Pilot Pen National A Division Championship has come to an end. ACJC finished 4th, then followed by JJC, ACSI and RJC.

Just to keep track of the record! ^^

The entire competition has really fired me up to train harder next year. After seeing so many wonderful shuttlers, I am extremely motivated to be better.
I told my coach, "Coach, This year I want to train hard so that next year I can be a confirm 1 point for ACJC." hahaha. He chuckled, "good! thats the spirit! I also want to beat RJC next year!"

I think our overall performance was just OKAY. I believe our fair performance was greatly dampened by our lack of match fitness, unlike other the top two school players who demonstrated fantastic athleticism which we are lack of.

Look forward and FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!

Social Spices  

Scribbled by Stephen

Eh, its Social Spices(SS).
Its SS again, Sport Stuff, Social Spices and Stephen Sutanto. Life is getting more meaningful with more and more S's in your life!! ^^ Its a proven fact!

Oh, I got foster parents now! haha
Apparently, the PAT (Parents Action Team) assigned everyone - like every scholar to one foster family. In my case, their names are Uncle Jimmy Tan and Aunt Angelyn Tan. Amazingly our surname matches! - Whom I comfortably call dad and mum. Great! Its auspicious, I mean sharing the same surname!

Apparently,they a son in ACJC too. His is name is Jonathan Tan from 1SA3, I believe. I haven't met him nor heard anything about him. They are very nice and funny people. I like them. Uncle Jimmy tells great jokes, Aunt Angelyn is as kind as Angel. They are very concerned about and caring to me.

I remembered Uncle Jimmy saying this statement, "Are the girls in ACJC all blind? How come a guy like you still doesn't have girlfriend?" No reply, just a nod or shaking head. haha. Then he started talking about him having a sec-one daughter and showed me her picture. He joked, "This also one of our purposes here. We are looking for potential son-in-law. And my most important qualification is a badminton player. and you fit it" haha. Its a joke lah. I know and he knows. I will just take it as a compliment. ^^

He also offered me a ride home, which I decline. I chose not to pang seh others and avoiding them comparing and envying the kindness of my newly-found foster parents with theirs.

"Hows life in ACJC?"
"Life is BEAtiful and JOYous so far", I told them.
I hope I wont contradict my statement in recent future, haha


Sports Stuff  

Scribbled by Stephen

Badminton 'A' Division has finally started after all the late-night and extra training plus friendly matches over the last 5 weeks.

I start skipping classes thanks to the competition. Great! Released from classes at 10:50! haha. Isn't it great? But I am missing classes and got to catch up too, eventually. So, a 50-50 situation.

30/4/08 VS Dunman High: 5-0
02/5/08 VS NJC: 5-0
06/5/08 VS YJC: ?-? hmm.. let me see the future.... 5-0

I havent been in the line-up for the first two matches. But today Coach Dicky approached me and said, "Get ready, Stephen. Get ready for Tuesday." My heart was like "WOOOHOOO" jumping for JOY!! yeap! like for JOY!! Finally I got my chance to play!

I shall train harder. I believe it is not an indication for me to stop impressing my coach! Oh, tomorrow I got training at 9 am!! ^^

FIGHT!! FIGHT!! FIRE~~ Stephen!!
