
Scribbled by Stephen

Ahnyoung Haseo!

phew.. today was a tiring day. Started training again after pausing for almost 2 weeks since last wednesday. its fun getting back into the court and bashing the shuttles around, though it wasnt very productive cos the of my unfit physical condition. haha. and planned to run 5X800m in 3mins for each set after the training. It ended up with me just running 2 rounds as everyone couldnt really keep up with the intensity. Hope that we can get back on form in the next four weeks. Season gonna start in 4 weeks. shit! don't think i'm ready yet.. sigh...

And yesterday was fun. Went back to school in the evening to catch acjc and tezukayama high school combined concert. Then after that we went to clark quay for dinner! at billy bombers! yay! it was great and was damn super full after having 4 courses.

Ah! I am watching a japanese drama now! Proposal Daisakusen! Which means 'operation love'. A pretty touching drama. haha. Well, one thing that i've learned from the show: "the one who always says that there is tomorrow is an idiot." The moral of the story is that, if you like someone, it might be better just tell him/her or end up regret having been keeping it inside for so long until to the point when you lost him/her. If the answer is no.. oh well, thats to bad. but if its yes.. well, good then. haha.

Okay! I shall finish the last episode now.

And nothing beats the pleasure of ending a tiring day with a can of mixture consist of water, malt, hops and yeast! :)

bubye! :)

bright, brighter, brightest  

Scribbled by Stephen

Wheeee!! Term examns is over! Days gonna be even brighter from now on.

Well, I guess terms should be okay! So happy about it! But there are two other things looming in my mind now, badminton and chem h3. Well, I think these 2 subjects will take over my priority till the end of the season. I shall say goodbye for normal stuff for the time being. Right now, its post-exam mood and I shall just enjoy my weekend to the MAX.. haha. but there is training on Saturday afternoon so yea, gotta get this engine back revving.

Oh well, I dont have any appointment in the morning tomorrow. So yea, i guess i just gotta gym to improve on my strength a little bit. Then perhaps watch movie or start Prison Break marathon. haha. And uh.. gotta go school tomorrow evening for the ACJC and Tezukayama jap school concert. Hope that its gonna be interesting. :)

Today was really tiring. Haha. The class went to east coast after bio test. We had lunch, then bowling and end it with 2-hour-of-ultimate-fats-burning-session cycling. wheeee! My legs are really aching now.. I hope they will recover by the day after tomorrow. Bowling was fun! I really wanna learn how to spin the ball properly. Still find it hard to consistently throw good spins. and haha.. In the end i always got the rock-bottom position. :( never mind, one day i shall perfect my spin and throw like a real professional. :)

Just watched Hancock. hahaha! its pretty funny! I am listening to taylor swift's hey stephen. hahaha..

Oh well, I feel so sleepy and tired now.. gotta get some ling sleep man! :)
See you! :)

Touch Down!  

Scribbled by Stephen

Good Day! Commander! :)

hahaha.. Okay! Let's talk about my ambition! And yeah. My ambition sounds somewhat Hippocratic to begin with. hahaha. I wanna be a philanthropist in the future! My biggest dream is to be part of the set-up or people who will work on building clean water system all across Indonesia! Its pretty sad to see that so many innocent lives are lost during child-birth because of lack of clean water in some villages. Well, its just about the child but also the mother. Their lives are in danger in each giving birth process... :( pheww sad story isn't it? From then onwards, we can start promoting education, proper health-care and so on to the villages!

But yea! It needs hefty sum to fund the project. Thats why i need to work hard and save lots of money to make it happens. :) Well, I hope that by the age of 30 i can start saving and gathering people of the same interest of mine and establish a proper organization to realize this dream. yay! :)

Having a final goal in your mind helps you keep on track with your activities and achievements. Well, it sort of becomes a motivation whenever you feel down or something. It spurs you on because you'll understand that the efforts that you are putting in at this moment is part of the build-up to make your dreams come true. :) :) Its just like a racing competition. Knowing how long you are going to run and where the finishing line is, will help to set the pace in the course of the race. :)

Well, thats basically the major part of my dreams. Some other satellite dreams are like providing more orphanages, old folks' home, and the idea of having $10 hospitals sounds like a great idea too - as in for every treatment regardless of the severity of the disease, all you need to pay is only $10. hahaha! Oh well, right now, dreaming is all i can do. If only i could make them come true. :D :D

Okay, its time to get some sleep.. Fuuah.. I am feeling damn sleepy. And uh.. it was pretty fun just now... watching people baking pizzas, tasting their cookings and little bit of gymming. It was a really pleasant day. and yea! gotta wake up early tmr to jog around and burn the excess fats that i have accumulated from the isanely-rich-in-cheese pizza that i had. :) :)

Good night! :)


Scribbled by Stephen

Yee! I am back to normal civilization with computer and internet connection. Have been away for 3-day badminton camp at school. Well, its pretty tiring, though I didnt find the training to be somewhat intensive. Probably because of lack of sleep. And the sleeps were not satisfying at all. First night got to sleep in the hall cos we couldnt turn the air-con on in the classroom that we have booked. Second night, we stayed in the classroom with air-con but got to sleep on the table which is damn hard and damn unfriendly to my back. oh well.. hahaha. The camp was uh.. pretty fun! hahaha! I find it more like team bonding camp than training camp.

Oh well, the bad news is that looks like my right knee has swollen a bit from the training. It feels like uh.. so annoying. It feels damn-not-comfortable to bend my knee every now and then. =.= I feel a bit thankful that I didnt get this injury during some crucial periods. Cant imagine to have knee injury during cross country run, track meets or hopefully not during nationals later on. :) Gotta get rid of this soon!

Gotta sleep earlier tonight! need to wake up early tomorrow for 'senoko power plant' visit. I think its gonna be exciting tomorrow! hahaha.

And uh... its time to change gear.. Its terms gear now.. so i better start the engine revving. haha.

I shall finish watching soccer highlights soon and then call it a day! :D
I am a class chem rep... hahaha! :D It makes me happy in a strange way!

Sayonara! :)

Terms holiday is here! yeeha!  

Scribbled by Stephen

Yeah! Term holiday is finally here. One great week to enjoy and rest. :) :)

But oh well, our badminton team gonna have a 3-night camp in school starting on Monday. So yea! means I gotta have to pack my stuff and sort out the admin stuff by tonight. :( and uh.. on thing thats bothering my mind now is term exams, which will continue once the term exams is over. Oh well, I really wanna get over this term exams as quickly as possible so that i can concentrate in improving my fitness and games. I must start pushing myself till I reach my optimum form. No matter what I must achieve my best forms before the nationals starts. Gotta work hard man!

Spent the whole day yesterday traveling. Went to NTU open house in the morning. Got back to school in the afternoon for short training. Went for late lunch with the team and finally spent the rest of the evening playing soccer in acsi and then gym at night. hahaha! it was somewhat a fun day. I like it because I could catch up with a lot of old friends. :)

And uh... Operation Breaststroke was extremely successful! Fabulous job guys! Too bad, we didnt proceed till phase 4. Phase 4 is supposed to be feasting together. We should really celebrate this next time. We really made their day dudes! :) Perhaps it was the best project that we have ever done together as the ministers of republic of love. hahaha! We made the white day became so precious to them! :) me and faisal also bought flowers and chocolates for our class' girls too. Guess it was a pretty satisfying thing to do. Cheers for the two of us! :)

May good happenings come all the time.. :)  

Scribbled by Stephen


Today was a great day! I got another medal for track meets. Jing Kai, Joshua, Jeco and me ran for badminton in the inter-CCA relay. We came strong in the third position. Not bad! Considering that we decided to sign up in that morning itself. hahaha. I really pushed myself to the limit. I have promised that I gonna make that run be the best run that I had ever made in my life. I never want to let my friends down and so yea! I ran the best that I could. But sadly, after the first 300m my legs started to fail me; they got freaking heavy that I felt like dragging two pillars of metals. I mustered as much energy as to proceed as much as I could til the finish line. Well, that explains why my face looked extremely crumbled as I was kek sai-ing. hahaha! but who cares, I rather sacrifice that bit moment of unglamorous for greater glory in the end. Well, I must say that it was the craziest run that I have ever made in my life. I really enjoyed that run and I guess i will never run like that anymore in my life. Reason being, I pushed myself beyond the limit. My body almost literally collapse after the race, catching my breath very hastily afterward. I took like about 15 minutes to remove the giddiness and regain my full consciousness. hahaha!

Anyway, I am so happy that it is third medal of the year! way to go! this year seems very promising. :) and to top my happiness up with my o' level plague from acsi :):)

Spent almost my entire night doing m econs project. Its finally done and I am extremely fired up to give my best speech tomorrow during the presentation. I gonna make the whole class dazzled and stunned at my public speaking ability man! hahaha! Learnt a few great speaking skills from Mr.Obama in the youtube just now..

Anyway, Terms is approaching as the March break approach. This friday is the first test, GP paper 2. well, I wanna try to score 33 or above. hahaha! :D I really wanna get rid of this terms as quickly as possible and then I can fully concentrate to train for the nationals.. I think my games are seriously still sub-standard. Phew.. Fight on! turn on the beast mode! hahaha!

Well, what spurs me on is the idea that I think not finishing your dreams is the hardest thing in your life. So yea! thats why I keep on working hard to achieve my dreams. Maybe next post i gonna talk about my future dreams. I think it pretty interesting. hahaha!

Its 11:50 now.. gotta go sleep soon. Its time to wash my 2F and T- face and feet and brush my teeth. haha
Til then!
Bubye! :) :)

Romantic Rhapsody  

Scribbled by Stephen

I guess there are just too many things that need to be settled right now that i feel so saturated that I dont feel like settling any of them. Well, homework is somewhat piling up and I am sort of behind every tutorial and lecture. This is really insane, considering that this is just the beginning of J2. Phew.. Well, the good news is that I could still keep up with the exams; my aim was just to ace every single test like by 70% and so far, everything is still within my target. :D gotta keep up the good job! :)

I am suppose to read my GP package now. but i feel so tired that i just wanna abandon that package for a day and go to sleep earlier today. hahaha! Maths and GP package test on Thursday, so i gotta keep myself checked for these two exams. :) I feel i somewhat need supplements to keep myself going. Oh well, but i feel sad for my own body though. hahaha! Looks like I have been torturing it for some time. Well, there is like never ending activities and activities recently, school and sports. Glad that i have recovered from my illness. I feel fitter now! But still I felt a little lethargic during training just now. Somehow the strength just wasnt there. hahaha! oh well, perhaps because i was too sleepy just now. Funny when i think about how i must keep my eyes open with my fingers during chem h3 lecture to keep myself alert. oh well..

And uh.. i got caught by the DM this afternoon. He spotted my pants. hahaha! Well, I am a bit surprised that he could spot my tapering, which I think doesnt look that obvious.I have been wearing it for 2 months now and somehow not many of my friends had ever asked me about the alteration. hahaha! So he wants my pants by tomorrow. He said he gonna keep them until the baccalaureate service before returning them to me. I dont feel guilty but just disappointed that he found it out. hahaha! well, somewhat sound like Aaron carter's "You found out! I've gotta crush on you.. No more charades, my heart's been displayed.." and so on. hahaha.

Anyway. gotta get moving now..
Adios! :)