You are white and You are Milk Chocolate  

Scribbled by Stephen

Apparently, I took some funny questionnaire from the 'Facebook' to find out 'what type of chocolate am I?' and 'What colour are you?'

The results are as follows:

You are white
You are pure, peaceful, and kind. You are independent and you manage in your life independently.

You are Milk Chocolate
A total dreamer, you spend most of your time with your head in the clouds. You often think of the future, and you are always working toward your ideal life. Also nostalgic, you rarely forget a meaningful moment... even those from long ago.

You are "Aero"
You are a yummy bar of all chocolate. A sweet, delicious Aero Bar. You are very intelligent and bubbly on the inside. Can you feel the bubbles melt?

Haha. LOL.

Anyway, I find the result is pretty reliable, I would say that it is 80% correct.
So what? I am White and Milk Chocolate and AERO bar

What's yours?

A Tribute to ACJC PAE Indons Sholars  

Scribbled by Stephen

This may be quite late, but better now than never. LOL ^^

During the first month, many happening events have taken place. For sure we have gelled up pretty well - boys and girls, guys and gays. haha. We had several great outings together, namely: Sentosa outing, Dinner at 'Ayam Bakar Ojolali', Mass date(which sounds lame to me at first) and so on.

Unfortunately, 12 of us have to be posted out. Thus reducing our number by ~half.

Frankly, I do not feel much loss about the absence of the girls that are moving out; but rather the boys, 8 out them. 7 of them were from ACSI in which we have spent meaningful 2 years together. Each morning is getting less and less exciting without the hilarious stuff that we always do.

This is the best photo that we had: ^^

Everyone here looks so cute.. haha

-yeap, a quote from Putu: "'till MOE do us apart"

  • Andree: A fellow Kwan-In-Ma faithful. Warm and friendly. Likes shopping-spree. As a magician, he is one of the best entertainers we have in our community. =>
  • Basta: Arguably, the most senior of us having spending one year more than us. A womanizer? who knows. ^^ A funny and dependable buddy. Cracks lame jokes and likes playing soccer. => MJC
  • Ervan: One more popular name of his is 'suicido'. Always sounds logical and upright. Not much secret circulates around him. Prefer serenity than rowdiness. => MJC
  • Ferina: sounds new to me. Sometimes find her rather blur and lost in conversations. Innocent? Perhaps, but not too sure about that. => SAJC
  • Ivan: My roommate during the PAE period. Always cheerful and easy-going. My dotA guru. => IJC
  • King: Obsesses at body building and thus joined AC Canoing. Versatile in music, sports and studies. As his name suggest, he is 'The King' anywhere he is. => MJC
  • Max: Controversially the better Indon dotA player. Popular, for his kill-steal ability and always targeting at the weaker ones. A bully in NUSH dotA. =>MJC
  • Steven Henry Cahyadi: Never ever mistaken him as me. A massive contrast exist between us. Helpful and very playful, sometimes gets really cheeky while playing pranks with Wirawan. => NYJC
  • Wirawan: A boy-turned-into-a-guy-once-in-JC. Just experience what everyone should have felt for several times. Recently has taken up the role of freelance BULLSHIITER like me. => NYJC
PS: I Love You Guys, ^^

Bubye Ivan >( ; Hello Kemal :)  

Scribbled by Stephen

Ivan has moved out of my room, Kemal has shifted into my room.

Hmm.. SAd, after all we have got along very well.

Never mind.

Bye good guy, welcome nice guy.

Orientation is over, welcome lecture-only week  

Scribbled by Stephen

Orientation is over, welcome lecture-only week

dood, today is friggin' tiring!
Car wash = Class fund-raising. We raised quite a sum of money in a week, approximately $1,300. It is a large sum of money, compared to other classes, so at least the hard work is paid off. Anyway, there's nothing better to treasure other than the fun and euphoria we had. ^^
I was literally 'passed-out' after that, taking a nice three-hours long nap.

Our class is getting solid as ever! SCone Rawks!!

Frankly speaking, I feel that my OG is getting less fun and seems to be so lethargic with some small splinter group trying to detach themselves away from the group, including me, I guess. After all, I was outside the auditorium looking after our booth. So, in that sense I was not with my OG entirely during the campfire-LESS night. T.T

Yi Ling told me that she would somehow 'pang-se' our OG and gather as a class. LOL. Shall I join her?

Hope that SCone will not have much changes!

It's Great to Fall in Love Again, But How Great Is It to be Loved again?  

Scribbled by Stephen

This day has been weird, to me. I kept on missing and wanting to see someone. I caught her glimpse early in the morning, then I did not see her until the evening. My mates have been reproaching about me being there but not the soul, always daydreaming somewhere. I keep on searching and on the lookout for her presence.

I live on with just the thought of you and I can't do with just one day, so the next day and the next, my longing for you grows unknowingly.

Are you listening?
There's a boy. Who is liking you.
There's a boy. Who is longing for your smile.
There's a boy. Who is always watching and missing someone.

Are you listening?
There's a girl. Who always smiles.
There's a girl. Who does not know that someone is watching and missing her.
There's a girl. Who does not know I'm like this.
There's a girl. Who is receiving love, but do not know that it is love.

Do you realize that you're lovable from head to toe? I am proud, although I am only one your friends. Waiting is fun now and even more enjoyable from day to day. I can feel the breeze upon my heart. I have no idea whether this is liveliness or happiness? Whatever it is, I'm feeling it now and really enjoying it. What is this surprising feeling? Love?

Even though I despise you, I can't hate you.  

Scribbled by Stephen

Even though I despise you, I can't hate you. Even though only pain and regret are left, I'm still waiting for you . There are many difficult situations to overcome life. But the hardest is to bury the person I love more than myself, deep in my heart.

Even if I was born again, I wouldn't forget that person. No matter how hard I try, that person will stay in my heart. Whenever I close my eyes that person appears. But I have to erase the painful scars. If I could turn back the time, I'd return to the day of the sad separation so that I could hold my tears and send you away with a smile.

I will find my sunshine by and by and slowly erase away those memories. I have no idea, but I think I feel her presence, close to me and close to you too.

JAE Posting Result  

Scribbled by Stephen

Again, my feeling serves me right. I have expected such horrible event to occur. There were 10 of us before, now possibly 3 - hope that some would still stay after appealing. In general we can see a trend that girls have fair better than the boys.

Other than ourselves to blame, I think that the school is somewhat responsible for this. Complacency sets in after passing Prelims with flying colours, the school should have done more to prevent this. Although the amount of moderation was greatly reduced compared to last year, there is still a clear that the school does not care much about our result. It is such a stark contrast between our 'O' Level achievement compared to the IB results - not enough effort and attention were put in, I believe.

Those that are staying : Yoshi, Kris, and I
Those that are possibly leaving: Basta, Ervan, Max, Wirawan, Andree, King and Ivan

Huff.. The absence of them was clearly felt this morning. I seemed so quite and liveLESS. No more jokes and happy laughter before school - all heads down and sighing. I want to question is this a punishment or rather path has 'He' has set for us? - like what the school has been saying.

We can't turn back the time either. So, let's just enjoy the remaining time together cheerfully so that we won't regret much later on!

Spread Love.
"Let's love each other until people jealous about it"

PS: Guys, I really love you.

However, Even if the heart explodes, the lips stay closed.  

Scribbled by Stephen

I find it amusing that considering among so many people around my eyes laid on yours with ease and comfort. Now I am certain that you are someone with very warm hands and eyes. My anxiety can be easily swept away by your smile, then make me smile too ; like this ^^

There are many difficult problems to overcome in life; but the hardest is, still, to bury the person I love more than myself, deep in my heart.

Are you listening? I think I have fallen for you. I'm glad that you have changed someone as mundane as me. Although, I may be plain, without style, but I believe I am capable of working harder. I don't have very much and lack even more, but I believe I am capable of giving even more. You must have been lonely, but without any doubts you still smile.

However, Even if the heart explodes, the lips stay closed. I've been sparing the words, I love you.

So Boring!! uh, saturated!  

Scribbled by Stephen


I don't know what happened? I seemed to get more and more lethargic by days. SO BORED and SATURATED! My head is like growing heavier - of course metaphorically speaking.

I am supposed to finish up at least 2 or 3 articles for my GP homework, but I don't feel like doing it - SO LETHARGIC. I think I need another refreshing break like visiting the world's most renowned Rift Valley in Kenya or Lake Victoria in Africa.

UH, UH, UH.. T.T

I think I tore my both Rectus Femoris and Sartorius plus my left Gastrocnemius muscles during training yesterday. I had difficulty to walk comfortably today. T_T

-Hey, give me some sugar! I am your NEIGHBOUR!!

Home! Home! Home!  

Scribbled by Stephen

Arrghh.. I did not get the ticket for yesterday flight and this morning filght!! Hope to be able to get tonight's flight, though tomorrow's morning flight is already booked - the earlier the merrier.

Home! Home! Home!


Little words of wisdom  

Scribbled by Stephen

Continuing disasters and tragedies are induced by collective karma.
Collection of good karma brings us peace and prosperity.
Collection of bad karma brings us disasters.