Scribbled by Stephen

YOKOSO!! This is really a great week. Week filled with good news!

Firstly, I got 14th position in the x-country race! Yeah! I could fulfill my target: getting into top 20 position and grab a medal. Honestly, I am pretty desperate for the medal, this is my last year and so yea, I die die my fight to claim this medal.. :):) and CHEERS for x-country!! :D :D

And I passed chemistry h3 test! 12/20! WOOO! I am damn happy! cos I heard there was only two students who passed the test. I guess it put me the second highest in class after another guy who scored 12.5 anyway, this means that I have secured one place in the chem h3 class which will be announced in a few weeks time. CHEERS for chem h3! :D :D

This morning was founder's day celebration. It was pretty boring, I almost fell asleep during our principal's speech, which i think was overly long and detailed. Phew.. Had a little suspense waiting for the prize presentation :) so yea! i got scholastic merit award and best progress award and $50 voucher from kinokunia. :) I am quite disappointed that the prizes are only certificate.. :( well, in acsi they give you sparkly and beautiful plague with your name carved on it.. oh well.. hahaha! CHEERS for promos results! :D:D

And uh.... I suppose to get my scholastic award - well, its just another good-sounding name for getting 7A1s - plague from acsi too. but i didnt go to acsi founder's day celebration to collect; of course i chose to come to acjc one. :) so I gotta find some time to go there and pick my plague up.. hehe :D:D CHEERS for o level result! :D:D

I feel so sleepy now.. :( I haven't had adequate rest since the beginning of the month. damn hectic siah.. My cold have been annoying me for like almost a week, I guess taking drugs without proper rest doesn't really help you to recover from cold. :( This weekend! I must drive this cold away! :)

There are few things in my mind that i wanna do this weekend.. phew.. work is topping-up at a faster rate than i can finish them.. :( FIGHT! FIGHT! FIRE!!
and uh... walau... its the end of february already! argghh.. there is sth urgent that need to be sorted out boys.. :(

Cheers! <3 <3

Taxi wk7  

Scribbled by Stephen


Another awfully hectic week has passed. phew.. This week is horribly tiring. School is really getting damn taxing recently. Well, gotta stay healthy and positive all the time. Damn it! I am suffering from cold now. Oh well, the symptoms just started this morning. I am gulping vitamin C and panadol to subside it as soon as possible. Just one aspect lacking: rest. :( :(

This morning bio spa was... OKAY, i guess.. Heard of many different interpretations though, sadly mine is not the most common one. hahaha. oh well. who cares, its over already. then went Holland for breakfast, back to school for gym and study. Studying at school was not very productive though; barely covered a few pages of isomerism.

Followed by training til 5pm. But I am glad that tonight studying was very productive. yeah! covered the entire topics for h2 test on monday, so tomorrow I can better focus on chem h3. :) :) Hope I can pass the selection test on monday. Gym for a while after that and it was quite productive too, did quite a lot of exercises in 40 minutes. :D

I realize my standard is still a lot far-off from getting into the first 7. :( I really gotta pull up my socks and train harder. There are still many aspects that have to be improved. Gotta really work super super super harder then. I wanna retire proudly, this should be my last year playing competitive badminton for school i believe. I wanna try some other sports in university, perhaps rugby sounds interesting. Its a tough game played by gentlemen :) unlike soccer which is very barbaric.

so yea...

Doesn't it feel good?  

Scribbled by Stephen

Saturday, 14/02/09

Wheee..!! Its valentine's day! Love is in the air!

Another arduous week has passed. Its approaching week 7! This is ultimate madness. Time flies with rapidity.. :( I am finding it hard to catch up with time's flight..

Valentine is pretty sad this year.. thanks to badminton training which has effectively taken my day away.. hahaha. oh well. I think I received fewer chocolate this year.. but somehow more eventful. Yesterday was a fantastic day. I was made to carry a balloon around school whole day for the first time. hahaha! it was somewhat embarrassing but it was cool. and today was fun too. We went to Orchard after dinner and think had lots of fun and laughter especially about Nakajima Shuisan - a random Japanese food that we bought from Cold Storage which apparently was bbq sotong with salty sauce - part. Then bought a can of Barons' beer, which I am sipping very lightly and slowly now.. :) :) Its really crispy and tasty! hahaha! Its written: each can of Baron's Strong Brew is brewed in the classic European tradition, and inspired by a Black Forest Brewmaster's timeless recipe. Forceful and full-bodied, Baron's also has an intense, malty flavor that helps deliver a smooth, satisfying finish every time. :) :) this is awesome!

And uh. we celebrated lele birthday just now.. The mango cake was superb! and the celebration was more superb.. :)

Uh.. somehow i think my studies has been adversely affected these days.. I am having difficult time catching with tutorials and lectures.. I have been ponning more lectures than ever, trying to utilize the time to finish my homework.. well, its coming to an end soon, in...2 months time. :) come on! yeah!! FIGHT FIGHT FIRE!!

If its true... i think you seriously have to get another boyfriend. He is not worthy for someone like you, just another player playing in the name of love.. :( :(
If i ask would you say 'yes'?
arrrghhh... forget about it! I hope i am wrong this time.. :) no happy valentine's this year.. *-| keep smiling like you always before! :) :)

I have been playing more pick-up lines with yoshi.. hahaha! This time round, I impress him more than he do..

Surprise is on its way.. but gonna take time. so be patient! :) :)

:) :)

Dazzling happenings  

Scribbled by Stephen

Salve! :)

Its a beautiful Saturday morning here. 10:50.

I love weekends. I can really sleep as much as i want. It the period when the accumulated fatigue can be removed in just one super long sleep. It feels good, but i feel hungry too. :(

Dazzling happenings have come to strike me this week. cool.
First is that there are two good news! Apparently I am receiving two awards this coming AC founder's day celebration. One from ACJC and another one from ACSI. Well, I ma invited to both events. But of course i choose to come to the one in acjc! :) :) Well, the letter tell me that I gotta wear college No.1 for that occasion. I havent really found out what college No.1 is. But definitely, blazers is needed. perhaps white pants and long sleeve shirt. Kemal is also receiving the same award as me. hahaha! Its roomate power siall.. =) the award is called: Sholastic Merit Award and Best Progress Award

My badminton passion is also burning the fire in hell. Its impossible to put it off now! I really wanna go to the finals and I gonna train harder to realize it! YAH!!

The internet connection is really annoying. It has been blocking me entering into my e-mail account, facebook, and friendster.
It says: Anomalous Behavior Detected -- Request Blocked
Your computer was automatically blacklisted (blocked) by the network due to an abnormal amount of activity originating from your connection. It is possible that your computer is infected with a worm and/or virus. Please contact your network administrator for assistance or more information.

This is really annoying! curse the internet provider! :(

I crashed into the J1 orientation firande//campfire-less last night. Oh well, there is also severak small lame but effective jokes every now and then. I was surprised how scary the cheering looked like from the balcony. The effect was really great man. I was trembling at the sight of it and it made me shivered. cool!

There is an announcement just now, asking us to get ready for hostel orientation. Oh well, I gonna be wasting my Saturday doing stupid, childish and silly stuff in the boarding school this afternoon. phew.. :( wish someone could pull me out of this misery...

Okay then... till then. :)
Adios! Amigos!