update! :)  

Scribbled by Stephen

Alright! For the sake of my dear teammate, I shall update this blog! :) :)

I cant really find any good topic right now.. aduh...! Except for the sleepiness that is really bothering me now. I feel more and more tired these days. Well, primary reason is because I have been giving almost my 100% in training since the beginning of the year. It really saps my energy away man! But it really feels good, cos I feel accomplished and happy that I rally put in effort into badminton. Badminton gets more and more interesting when you reached another higher level of playing. I am loving it more than ever! :)

I am pretty surprised that I didnt gain much weight during chinese new year holiday in indo. Reason being is that I just couldnt stop my jaws from moving up and down during the holiday. I think I finished average of around 15 mandarin oranges in a day and plenty of cookies while visiting people houses. Well, I think I dont care too much about red packets anymore these days. I didnt even bother to count how much i have earned or even bother converting them into singapore dollars..

And uh.. shit! My racket strings burst again! second time in a week's time. Another unnecessary expense.. aduh! :( :(

J2 gonna be a damn busy year man! school sucks la! 4h2 + 1h3 + badminton + GEL = ultimate fatigue. I am currently thinking what are the things that I wanna do this year... hmmm.. hahaha!

Wah! its 11:11 right now! hehe! :)

Oh! I feel asleep during Bio lecture just now! hahaha! It was pretty funny! but didnt really got scolded though. Just got an opportunity to joke with the lecturer. hahaha!

Oh boy, I am dazzled.



Scribbled by Stephen

I am so so tired... :(

Today's training has really exhausted my energy. But somehow it feels good after a tiring day.

I gotta train much harder than this.. I wanna reach another higher plateau before the seasons starts! FIGHT ON!!

Just applied for leave and got it approved alr. :D


My personal brand of heroin  

Scribbled by Stephen

I am damn damn burnt out this week! Super tired siol..

These past two days havent been very nice. I have been feeling under the weather. Well, it all starts off thanks to lack of sleep. First I had eating disorder... kidding! more like I didnt have appetite, coupled with minor gastric and intestinal discomfort I think. Thankfully it has subsided by now. Second, I am damn tired and have been sleeping at school. Oh well, almost took pink slip on last Wednesday. I slept during the first math lesson today, then skipped Econs lecture to sleep in the library. Worth it! I think! I rest was really helpful and I have to say that I am quite fit now. :)

I think I havent adapted to waking up as early as 6am yet. :( shouldnt have moved to OH :( besides lacking of sleep, I am experiencing eating disorder too. :(

I am very glad that I have succeeded in pulling myself to finish bio tutorial and 3 GP essay outlines! yup! PULLED MYSELF! If only they dont due tomorrow I think I wont be busy doing it just now; though I believe the quality is pretty bad. Cant really find the momentum to work yet.. phew. My gear is still at holiday gear.. :D :D

I am happy that I think my class has finally gotten an AUTHENTIC econs teacher. hahaha! He is a cool guy! The fact that he could make me fully awake throughout his entire lesson has proven his capability. It was an interesting lesson.

Pondering how the hell I have spent so much money in just 2 weeks.
Flying back home for CNY! Yay!! cant wait to be back home again. :)

Your smile is like a personal brand of heroin to me


Relaz, take it easy,  

Scribbled by Stephen

Hell! school starts tomorrow. Gotta wake up REALLY REALLY early for the first time since 2 months ago! I feel damn shitty! Guess I gotta wake up as early as 6am tomorrow - to give me enough time to do my morning businesses before the school bus leaves at 6:40.

I am imagining how tomorrow morning gonna be. For the first time, I will be taking school bus to school, like literally school bus; not buses with two numbers - the number plate and the bus' service number - that i normally take.

All my room occupants are here already. Two Ationgs and one Indian who stays next to me. So its crowded now. Those two Ationgs are talking about something intelligible to me right now. Honestly, I think the smell of my room has drastically changed especially after the arrivals of those Ationgs.

Packed my bag and I am ready for school tmr. Guess there wont be any lesson tmr, should be just contact time and pricipal's address i suppose. And uh.. not forgetting open house preparation. Phew.. -.- And then I shall go gymming! Havent been gymming for so long, feel my body has slackened so much.. T.T

I hope to finish my harry potter by tonight.. and I am happy that I just got two new books: Twilight and New Moon. I hope to start it as soon as possible once I finish my harry potter.. Cant wait to start at it anytime soon! yeah!!

And uh.. I am glad that I didnt do any homework today! hahaha!
Well, who cares! :D bet many didnt do their either. Relax... Take it easy! :)

Au revoir! :) :)

piles of junkies  

Scribbled by Stephen

Just barely the internet connection after shifting into oldham hall on monday. Well, I guess I have somewhat settled in here. Not a very nice place though. I still prefer nushigh to oldham hall. I still resent about the proximity between oldham hall and acjc.. Phew. Which means I gonna expect myself to be back in oldham hall at 9+ at least four times a week when the school reopens. Yea! school gonna reopens on next monday... so sad... :( I want more holiday. haha!

Well, holiday homework has piled up.. and uh... should consider the first days of school as the deadline.. which means, i wont be able to meet the deadline. Right now, I am forcing myself to complete maths tutorial which I have just heard from my friend last night.. took me quite long to finish the tutorial.. At one hand trying to solve the problems, on the other hand the temptation of internet is too tantalizing. :( next thing in my agenda should be bio tutorial.. hope I can listen to the online lecture later after dinner.. Arrrghhh... I just wanna slack and lazying around! GP and econs are... i think gonna be abandoned for the time being. well, who cares.. the should give homework on holiday.. holiday is holiday, time to slack and lazy around. :) :)

Oh yea.. did my porting service last Sunday - porting my number from m1 to singtel. I wonder why it hasnt worked still.

I have been reading harry potter and the deadly hallows.. hahaha! quite interesting, i find it. its the first harry potter series that i read.. there are a few unknown characters to me cos I never read harry potter. Just watched them on TV. My other three room-mates arent here yet. so I shall still be sleeping alone tonight..

And uh... the class had a gift exchange party last tuesday! hahaha! it was pretty fun! well, I got seet's present, which is a swedish product: LINGONBERRY! dunno what it actually does or contain. shall google about it later on. and my present fell to 'bala the monster' hahaha! I am happy that first it didnt fall to a guy, that present isnt very suitable to guys though.. hahaha! so uh.. yea! hope she likes it as much as i like it. :) :)

I spent close to $300 for shopping yesterday. pretty scary i think. think i should tell my parents about this.. hahaha!

Oh well, I shall go shower now.. dinner soon. :):)

Auf Wiedersehen!