shines like a candle in the dark  

Scribbled by Stephen

Bonjour friends.

I have been spending an hour reading people's blog and catching up with them.
(chuckle) well, there are lots of funny discovery during that one hour periods - Dude, I just sneezed twice perhaps somebody or some people have been talking about me.

The greatest findings so far:
1. x(x-1)(x-2)...(x-n)=life.
2. read that someone is going to hire cupids.
3. read about discussions made about male genital.

funny how these things can amuse me and motivate me to uh... dont know!

Well, time to get back to reality.

Pride complex  

Scribbled by Stephen

Well, they term this 'feeling' as pride complex.
I am clueless whether I have to put me as 'suffering' from pride complex or rather 'enjoying' pride complex.

Truthfully, pride plays significant part in determining what I am, and how I act. Just like the 'Saiyan' race, I have overwhelming pride. Pride as a boy, as a man, as a fighter, as a sportsman, and as a love-slave - nah! just kidding!

Well, that makes me value myself so highly that I may seem despicable to many. But still, I have to admit that I am not just an ordinary guy - as opposed to how many would describe themselves be it in the facebook, friendster or their daily lives. Just as my former teacher told me that I am 'born to be king' but 'never get over your head and stick to second not first as the first will bear more responsibilities and had you fallen, the fall would not be as painful as the first.'

Peace! =D

Teachers, Cameras, Actions  

Scribbled by Stephen

Ah! Perhaps I am going to buy some chocolates for my beloved teachers on this Friday.

First on the list is, of course, GP tutor/CT.
second, Chem tutor, Nicked as Jackie.
third, Bio tutor.

Well, getting some more to give out - hahaha sounds like giving sweets out to kids - on my visit to acsi.


Trivial, Flight, Bullshit, Inspiration  

Scribbled by Stephen

Another great boost along the march to promos today. I scored 32/50 for compre in GEL today. cool! way to go. I am so much more confident with compre now. Oh well, but i need to sharpen my AQ a bit more to be more concise and more convincing bullshit about applying those arguments into my 'beloved' Indonesian society.

Well, bullshit as in I like to make up my own funny statistics up to back my arguments. For example, a recent survey released by the Indonesian Ministry of Environment shows that.. blah blah blah... Cool! I love doing AQ! :)

And oh! My mum canceled my flight today. So I am not going back Medan for this September holidays; Aduhhh!! and Cheers!!
I miss home, but must prepare for promos as well.

Yay! Friday is teachers' day celebration and another free movie outing! Cheers for that! Anticipating 4-bia to be so scary that could me make unable to sleep. yeah!!

Dude, I recently find that there are so many small or trivial-looking things can inspire me. for example, my roomate's bald head is capable of making me laugh and then motivate me to work - well this is sort of random. Well, I get so tired and sleepy so easily these days especially when it is about 4pm and 8pm. And I Just woke up from my short evening nap. XD

Okay, thats all for now.
PS: I just found out that X.O.X.O symbolizes hugs(X) and kisses(O)! Cool! :)

Thoughts, Draught, Naugh.  

Scribbled by Stephen

Hey dude.

Today is a fabulous day, uh.. or rather just great.
First, I got back my Econs class test back. I got 18/25 which is 72%. So uh. Its my first A for econs after being stuck at B for the past two tests. Alright, this is a fantastic boost before econs promos! Great! Morale is high! FIGHT!! =D

Second! uh.. well, today I got closer to someone who has exactly the same name as Miss Y. Same name and same surname. I have no idea why I am so enchanted with that particular name. Its strange, I think, how I am so obsessed with that name. COol. Although they have completely different personalities, both just seem as attractive to me - perhaps because of that 'strange' name.

Oh. I may need to go back to Medan this coming September holidays. Parents' wish is absolute. haha. Well, it still depends though, they are deciding right now. For me, I will just board on the plane through the e-ticket that they would buy and get home.

Oh well. Its midnight already. gotta go sleep. Maths test tomorrow. haha. I have a bet with my roomate to see who will get full marks for tmr's test.


Scribbled by Stephen

Hey! Dude.

Recently, I experienced these new-found commitments.
First, its my new-found commitment to the badminton team. The recent team talks and training have motivated me so much that I am all fired to improve much faster. Oh well, FIGHT FIGHT FIGHTING!! :)

Second, its about my studies. Promos is coming up. Its decided that from this moment.. Nope! Tomorrow! I shall put much more efforts in revision. Cut down afternoon nap. Cut down Dota. Listen less in lectures while catching up with work. Well, I realized that lectures are generally useless, but perhaps, except maths lecture. So, i will set my targets pretty soon and put it up here! =)

Third, its about.. ah, studies come first now no matter what.


Cos the game that I play keeps driving you away  

Scribbled by Stephen


Scribbled by Stephen


Scribbled by Stephen

Dude, I like numerical cipher.  

Scribbled by Stephen


Numerical Cipher such as this!
144713 -> 1417 -> 147 -> 1447 -> 433111
It is a numerical cipher that i created and it contains a very very important secret of mine!! ^^

I just found that my last post is dated 24th July, which is 9 days ago. Oh well, this is primarily due to the slow and unstable internet connection which have been getting into my nerves these days.

Time flies with rapidity. Without realizing it, it is entering week 6 already. Which means that the J2s will be having their prelims in less than 2 weeks time. Oh well, gambatte ne!! seniors!! :)

This weekend is cool! very hectic! on Friday, there was ACSI FOA - Festival of Arts. Did lots of funny stuff, like cheering for random people name who are not the performers but spectators.

And yesterday. There was boarding school games day, which I find very reluctant to join. but it got more exciting as my team kept on winning and gaining points. With the winning points plus the points awarded for 'team with best cheer' - well, we did sort of 'haka' cheer which was so fearsome that the whole crowd went silent and then applauded like mad; well, they even requested for an encore which we had no choice but to comply.

The evening was a slot for 'ASEAN JC DANCE' "the twilight". It was a great event for party and reunion and catching up with old friends. We did lots of funny stuff such as throwing random people who were engrossed in dancing up into the air again and again. Well, the event was not an event exclusive for scholars though, I saw some local AC students as well.

And tonight, there is a high-table, 8-course dinner at 'FRIENDS' over in holland village. Gotta wear something formal, such as long sleeve shirt, long pants and black leather shoes. Expecting great dining period over there! yay!! :)

welll, thats all for now! ^^