Thunder In My Heart Season 1  

Scribbled by Stephen

'A' Division badminton nationals starts tomorrow! First match against NJC. Its gonna be our first test after all the trainings. :) can't wait for tomorrow.

But oh well, my place in the first 7 is still not confirmed yet.. sigh.. :( I think I have really worked hard for it. Perhaps not hard enough, yet. This passion is burning inside me, like a thunder bellowing in my heart. Well, it doesn't matter for now, I still have little time to improve in many departments. It seems like every second is becoming very precious to me. There are really a lot of things that have to be done. I think I will seriously do WHATEVER IT TAKES to claim my spot in the first 7. After all, this is my last year playing in school and I do really wanna retire proudly knowing that I have worked excessively hard, competed very tenaciously and won whatever that I truly deserve. Yea, I will do whatever it takes. This thunder in my heart is getting louder and louder as time goes by. It wont be stopped.

A few parts of my body is aching right now.. not too severe though.. phew. First is my hamstrings, perhaps its due to the thousand serves that i did on Saturday. I am really grateful for the self training that I did on Saturday. I am now more confident of my serves and learned a few good pointers by experimenting different serving strokes. :) somehow I feel pretty accomplished. Second is my forearms and shoulders. Most probably due to backhand shadowing that I have been doing for a few days every day. Third is my lower back. I have no idea whats going on there, but it gives me a little annoyance occasionally.

And uh.. I have watched prison break til episode 15 of season 2. Its getting a little more complex there. Gotta find some time to watch soon. :)

School work seems to be a bit out of control now.. Walah.. hahaha! I have start picking up my pace to catch up with it.

I think the hostel that I am staying now is becoming a thief now. On the course of deterring further thefts cases here, they are implementing rules that are making them seem to be an even bigger thief. Oh well.. Dudes, you gotta pray hard and start hoping that what you pray for gonna be answered by the upstairs such that there will be no more theft cases here..


Gimme a Break  

Scribbled by Stephen

Hey there! havnen't been posting for quite a while, I believe. Well, always the same old reason here: I'm busy.

Busy. Yea! I filled my whole weekend watching Prison Break Season 1. Just finished it a few minutes ago. The good news: I finished the entire 22 episode, worth of 42*22=924minutes or 15 hours and 24 minutes. In just one weekend, the whole series is completed. Pretty proud of myself here. The bad news, my weekend studying plan went haywire. :( I am supposed to fill in the gaps in all H2 subjects, the result, only bio essay is done. Oh well, guess that's a compromise for the satisfaction I get from watching prison break. But the hell with it.. I'll try to fix it over the next week.. haha..

Nationals is starting next Monday. There are still dark clouds around the teams' line-up though. Gotta prove myself worth the place! Train fiercely and fight fiercely. So little time, plenty to prove. FIGHT!! :)

School has been as hectic as always, there is unending homework bugging and there are lectures that go without you knowing whats going on. I'll just have to enjoy those times while I still have 5 months in college i guess. Perhaps there is no more such thing in university in the future.. haha

And uh... I was trying to research about the relationship between brain and oxygen. I have been speculating that brain should not have direct contact with the surrounding air because it causes the brain to lose its memories and thus ability to process the 5 senses. This, most probably caused by the oxygen. Still unsure about this though, gotta keep carrying on the research.

You gotta be strong, auntie, your family and your children need you. :) Get well soon! :)

Another day in paradise  

Scribbled by Stephen

Nationals is 3 weeks away.. Woooo.. Time to really raise the gear and pick up a very-fast pace to reach peak performance. From now on, there should be no joke in training and shall put 110% for every training. MUST FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!

Gotten a few terms results back. I find them pretty satisfactory although i know certainly that i could have done much better anyway. Well, given the little time to prepare, i think its good enough. and chemistry was rather surprising. Most of us agree that somewhat the results do not reflect the fact that we could pretty much able to do the questions on the exam day. phew.. :( but overall the results are great. :)

So yea. Since nationals is coming very soon. I shall put more thoughts into it than anything else for the moment. I shall do more PT when i have free time. Since this is my last year playing for ACJC i really wanna put my best into it, so that i wont regret when i look back in the future. :) so yea! I must retire proudly this year!

I guess I am addicted to Prison Break and Texas Poker now.. I have been playing lots of poker in this weekend. But i have been losing a little over the time.. haha its pretty fun to play cos it gives you some suspense and tension! haha

I gotta visit my auntie in the hospital this afternoon. She underwent head surgery yesterday. Hope she gonna be fine today. :)

Adios! :)