
Scribbled by Stephen

31/10/08 turned out to be the worst Halloween that I ever experienced.
It is the day that one of the persons I love the most, grandmother, left me. FOREVER.

It seems like a part of me is lost together with her departure. No one can ever enrich my life as much as her.

She was the kindest person that I ever known.
She was the most modest person that I have ever seen.
She was the most respectful person that I always look up upon.
She was the most patient person that I can ever identify with.
She has the most caring touch that I ever felt.
She gave the warmest hug that I have ever experienced.
She had the over-flowing love that fell like rain.

I am sad because I cannot be with her in her last days.
I am sad because I cannot attend her funeral.
I am sad because I cannot see her for one last time.
I am sad because I cannot fulfill my duty as a grandson.
I am sad because I know I have not fulfill my promises to her.
I am sad because I know I will never be able to feel her love anymore.
I am sad because I know I will never be able to hold her hands anymore.

I am mourning.

Always in memory

Oh dear!  

Scribbled by Stephen

Oh dear! This is so pathetic; I almost forgot that I have a blog that I have to update.
Well basically my time is taken up by some activities after promos: Evening movies, playing championship manager, read books - finished two volumes of Nicholas Sparks and reading 'The Grandma's tale' now by Narayan, DoTA, and not forgetting Project Work, OP presentation and finalization of Written Report.

Oh. I achieve my goals for Promos. 4As and 1C. So Cheers! I am so happy about it. My result landed me into Chemistry Olympiad team for ACJC.. Phew... -,- So I have to stay in Singapore for the whole November holiday preparing for the olympiad. Which includes theoretical tests and PRACTICAL tests - well this surprises me! practical tests for olympiad. Anyway, I have been let down by my practical skills lately; I screwed up the last 4 practicals(SPA). Aduh.. this doesn't bode well.

I just got Jay Chou's latest album: Capricorn! Yay!! I am so happy and I am listening to it know. And uh... I start to like Backstreet Boys' Something that I already know so much! ~~~

I like this phrase: 'she lit the fuse and I am ticking away like a bomb'

Oh! Everyone in SC4 is promoted to 2SC4! yay!! haha..

I somewhat screwed my oral presentation as well. I was the only one experimented to present without any cue cards. Oh well, the good part is that my eyes were always in contact with the audiences and examiner and since I was not holding any cards, my hands were not 'chained' and somehow had good gestures. BUT... My speech came in fits and starts since I hadn't memorized my texts very well, so I kept on mumble and repeating points that I had said earlier on. Furthermore, I overshot the time limit by 1m30s. Quite bad eh??!?

Oh well, forget about it. Next time I will be more prepared for it!

Cheers!! Cheers!! Cheerio!!

Exams Philosophy  

Scribbled by Stephen

Finally I come back to my posting habit after the grueling week of intense promos. Well, guess that I have done pretty well. At least I can make myself pretty sure that I can secure 3 As.

Alright, I heard lots of different perspective on exam philosophy. Some said that exams is just a gauge on how much they have understood their content; some told me that without exams, no one will ever study; some said that exams make you realize that you need to study some more or blah blah blah.

So, let me share my philosophy about exams. To me, exams is a war and the exam hall is a battlefield. It is war that I must fight; attack(to defeat it) and not defend(to gauge how much I have learned). There is only one expected outcome: victory; nothing else. So I go to the battlefield, fight and come back with victory. Because I am born fighter so will fight until the last drop of me.
So I always take exams very seriously - except for mock papers - make myself confident before every test by studying sufficiently, sufficient enough to get me an A.

And I believe in karma - cause and effect. If you study WELL enough, you can definitely do WELL. I believe that man can create up to 70% of his own luck - so that counts for an A! So study hard, play hard and keep yourself fit for the exams. Well, fitness and knowledge make up that 70%. While the other 30% accounts for other unexpected happenings. ^^

Well, its my philosophy. Some may agree, some may not. But I am glad with my philosophy; it is proven to be a solid philosophy and perhaps the fact that I have never failed any exams and even got 7 A1s 1 A2 and 2 B3s for my 'O' Level can be a strong evidence to the effectiveness of my philosophy.
