Scribbled by Stephen

Whoa! It is a 'Shocking-me' and 'Rocking-me' finding!
I lost my ATM card.
Sigh.. ><

Last Saturday(yesterday), 8pm, City Hall Station.


O ya pek ya som!  

Scribbled by Stephen

Oh my son! I just saw 'GT' at my CboX and it reminds me of GP test on Thursday!

Contrary to popular belief, GP package test is significant! My senior said that the test is actually helpful. As in, as it is counted for the either mid-year or promo test, GP package test is actually easier to score as long as we know the content well.

Hmm.. I must consider taking GP package more seriously now.

Ah, today my Economics sharing session was damn fun. The whole class laughed like, uh.. um.. I had successfully put up a nice circus to the class. Quite timely, I guess. ^^ It is nearing the end of the day and everyone has got quite lethargic, a little circus to live up the situation a bit!

Uh, today was the first GEL - Granted English Lesson(I finally got it right this time). Not so happening nor drab. Just hope that It would be helpful. ^^

um.. boring already..

To my deepest disappointment  

Scribbled by Stephen

To my deepest disappointment, Set B is not as bewitching as it normally is. It consists of less-than-average nonya fried salted fish, braised cabbage and a cube of steamed tofu. The entire set just look so drab and unappetizing.

Compared to set B, set A is so much nicer today. It boasts Indian-style curry chicken, Achar, and stir-fry spinach.

Set A is certainly a popular choice evidenced by the long queue. So, no hesitation, I opted for set A.

Someone, during the dinner, teasingly admonish me for eating less rice than her. I realize that I have been cutting down on my meal.
-In the morning, I don't really have the leisure to indulge in a proper breakfast - nowadays.
-For lunch, It normally varies depending on the recess time, sometimes heavy sometimes not and it is my meal until 8pm, on training days.
-Dinner, hmm.. choices are generally alluring and bewitching, PLUS the SWEET Dessert! However, I don't find myself eating adequately much enough, recently.

Consequently, I just figured out that I have lost 3 kg - perhaps in the past one or two months. Hmmph.. not a good thing to boast about for sure.

There is another touching thought that cut my train of thoughts during the dinner. I saw a man, perhaps just around his early 40s cleaning up the tables and washing the plates. The guy looks absolutely fit and strong. I wonder why he takes up the cleaning service job. Judging from his facial expression I can tell that he buries a heart-touching thought inside. It evokes a felling of empathy in me.

It is like, "I wonder what is his past?" , "Is he really that uh, um..." and "Is he a.. uh, 'foreign talent' too?" questions spinning around my head. No one demurs that there exists a clear bold black line between white-collar and blue-collar workers - although I love blue, the idea of working a blue-collar job never come across my mind. So, umm.. yeah, I guess as a fellow students in the pursuit of truth and excellence, we have the same opinion about them, as in about them being less __ , __ and etc.

Huff.. Damn sad. Know I realize how lucky am I. ><
When I found what I dreamt of and I looked it up. Up to this very moment, what I want is what I got.

So, uh.. the moral of the story is __ , __ and etc.
be thankful! and be appreciative!

Cheers! ^^

A or B  

Scribbled by Stephen

I have two choices:
A and B

A is for Alluring.
B is for Bewitching.

Either A or B.
Can't have both.
Oh my.. I am in such a dilemma.
Whenever I meet them, My heart is jumping.
What can I do?
They drive me crazy.
I just can't sleep.
I am so excited!
But it is alright.


That's what I always think about before having dinner. Set A or Set B.
So confusing! ^^

My body is burned out, but my spirit is Ablaze!!  

Scribbled by Stephen

An Yong Ha Se Oh?

Whoa!! I fell damn burned out this week! Just like my going-to-be-burned-out-Yonex-shoes. We have 5 training days this week, as opposed to 3 times a week months before the Season. Anyway, season is up in two weeks time - Uh, Badminton Season, A'div Nationals. ^^

Hmm.. We finally got our Sponsored Yonex merchandise today! A pair of Yonex SHB-100MX, racket ransack badminton bag plus socks and shirts which we are getting tomorrow! A real bargain for just $75. :) it is supposedly to be sponsored, anyway.

Just do for the love of it.

Another hectic week is coming up! More training and test weeks are ahead!
Let me borrow S Club 7 lyrics:
"Don't stop, never give up
Hold your head high
and reach the top
Let the world see what you have got!"

HAHA Oh no!
OOps.. Miss X's birthday is arriving soon.. ~.~
HAHA Oh no!

I have nothing to do in this high evening, but to settle down, gaze at the star and write you a line.  

Scribbled by Stephen

I have nothing to do in this high evening, but to settle down, gaze at the star and write you a line.



Perhaps not. Not in the mood by the way, nothing comes through my mind. ^^

Yuck! Today was another NE(National Education) day for me!
- The opportunity cost is.. COSTLY! I had to miss a friendly match against MJC!! Hufff!! ><

We headed to SAFTI(Singapore Armed Forces Training Institute) - Mindef early at 9 am. It finished at 2pm and finally reached the hostel at 3pm and then followed by afternoon nap until 5.30 ~.~

For me, honestly, I think it is another form of propaganda specially targeted at scholars. In brief, it was like, "Come..Come..Come.. You can be a PR here, but you have to serve NS ^^"

Frankly, I have no intention of becoming a PR, UNLESS there are so-many-until-you-feel-unbearable monetary incentives and privileges AND I decided to marry a Singaporean plus I want to continue working and living here like FOREVER!! Which is quite unlikely... but on second thought, it is plausible too ^^

Today is.. not so eventful, just another nice reunion with fellow ACSI scholars lads.

I found a nice quote here, "what doesn't kill me makes me stronger"
-sounds a bit kiasu though and a bit morbid..
EEEE I DONT LIKE.. haha thanks Rara for the nice phrase!!

PS: bye! ^^

I think I am one of the most sought after guy... at least for tomorrow only!  

Scribbled by Stephen


I think I am one of the most sought after guy, at least for tomorrow only! ^^ or rather T.T

I got altogether 5 appointments to meet. However, in the end I, most probably, would only attend like 2 or 3?

1. Pulau Tekong Visit! which will take over school curriculum hours from 10:10 onwards! ^^ haha
->"Today, Pulau Tekong is used exclusively as a training base for various Singapore Army Units where Singaporean males are conscripted into National Service and is home to the Basic Military Training Centre (BMTC). The School of Infantry Specialists (SISPEC), which was situated two kilometres from BMTC, relocated to a new campus at Pasir Laba Camp in December 2005. A new training area, called San Yong Kong Field Camp, has been completed on the reclaimed land south of Dogra Bridge. Built by the Combat Engineers, this field camp will be used to train Infantry and Guards battalions."

2. GEL - GP Enrichment L-something / I am not so sure though.
->It is kind of, basically just an enrichment program for scholars to improve in English! LOL!

3. Swimming meets.
-> I was signing impromptu for this event. Only one event only though, me and Faisal ended up signing for 50m Free Beginner-means no swimmers nor life-guardERS? participating. haha

4. Friendship's day full dress rehearsal.
->It will take place at 2pm tomorrow, which I expect will be another round full of critiques and un-constructive feedbacks by the teacher i/c.

5. Badminton training!!
-> starts at 3pm tomorrow! this is, by far, an event that I would not contemplate to miss! I want to train! yea! yea! ^^

Frankly, I expect that I could not make it in time for GEL, Swimming Meets and Friendship's Day rehearsal. I genuinely do not want to miss the rehearsal as I will be considered as uncommitted and a wet blanket in the group. The group itself has been pretty destructive with some random members from the country next to china's southern border and surely, I do not want to aggravate it further! It has been hard for our i/c. ^^

haha.. Most desirable guy for 2/4/2008 and mind you! This is no April Fool!!

Aja aja FIGHTING!!