New Found Inspiration  

Scribbled by Stephen

I guess its somewhat true that fresh and creative ideas are conceived when you are day-dreaming. I found one new inspiration that I would like to work on one day when I have grown up and, hopefully, be a successful man with strong financial and social position! I think this gonna be another people-would-think-that-I-am-arrogantly-noble kind of dream: SPECTACLE PROJECT.

I realize that in many rural areas, well say in Indonesia, spectacle is still an obscure technology. Recently, I read that there have been quite a number of projects working on building new schools and small-scale hospitals in rural areas. I believe that some time soon, many of the excited school children will find themselves plagued with the problem of bad eye sight. Well, most of the problems would certainly be the common ones such as myopia(nearsightedness) and hyperopia(farsightedness).

I believe that it would be very sad to see that their desire to study is hampered by their vision problem. Furthermore, due to their lack of knowledge, many of them may not realize that they actually have eye defect. Otherwise, optical technology may not be accessible or even affordable to many of them. With more knowledge, these kids would have more idea about dreams, hope and desire. Knowledge would be a bridge to their self-actualization effort. We, the more fortunate and educated generation bear the responsibility to give all that we can to help these less fortunate children. Dreams are like may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny. We may have induced these school children with new dreams. Now, lets do to the best of our ability to keep their DREAMS and HOPE alive! And you! rich reader with internet access and solved eyesight problem, the duty is on you to help these less fortunate ones! So please keep this in mind :)

Referring to my former post:
"To be without dreams is to be without hope;
to be without hope is to be without purpose."

By far, this is definitely an easier dream that i could possible fulfill than the first one: Clean Water Project. hahaha! Now I have another reason to work even harder, improving myself in every department and live strong because I have dreams, hope and hence purpose. This is my purpose of life. I swear I will do to the best of my ability to achieve this :) Readers too, can keep this in mind :) two is better than one. Three is even better. Four is even even better. Everyone will be the best! :)


A Creed to Live by  

Scribbled by Stephen

Hey there!
I am packing my stuff and found a piece of paper with words in it. Feel like throwing it away, but the words are worth keeping. So I shall record here in my blog to keep it forever.

A Creed to Live by:
Don't undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others.
It is because we are different that each of us is special.
Don't set your goals by what other people deem important.

Don't give up when you still have something to give.
Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.
Don't be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect.
It is this fragile thread that binds us to each other.
Don't be afraid to encounter risks.

To be without dreams is to be without hope;
to be without hope is to be without purpose.
Don't run through life so fast that you forget not only where you've been,
but also where you're going.
Life is a not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way.

~Nancy Sims~

Feeling Void  

Scribbled by Stephen

A level is officially over. Funny it seems, remembering those times before A level started. We talked so much about what we gonna do once it finished and stuff. Even so, yesterday, as it ended, I don't feel anything overflowing or extremely exciting. I guess counting on the days before A's began is more suspenseful than counting the days it gonna end. Sigh.. It feels void and empty. Trouble 1.

I applied for a job, as a dental assistant and apparently i got it :)What's running in my mind is the fact that I will be committing my 7 months working as a dental assistant. 7 months is not a short time. I believe that this is quite a big decision to make. Long working hours, commitment to profession, having not to enjoy my holiday, having to wake up early for work. I guess this is somewhat similar to A level. I seemed to be very eager about this opportunity before I got this job. Now, when i got it, I reflect back on the fact that I'll have to commit 7 months for this job. Its important, of course, after all dentistry will be my first choice course to take in NUS. It will surely give me a head start. Trouble 2.

Lodging. This is trouble 3. I gotta figure this out very soon.

Trouble 4: I am having strange thoughts about my 'soon becoming dunno what.' I feel like I am a house of cards in a hurricane right now. I gotta fix this feeling. Let's make it alright because I can't go on without you. It is killing me.

The past few days have somehow given me the impression that life is about waiting. Yesterday, in order to get my job interview, I had to wait for 3 hours. On last Saturday, Kanin told me the same line 'life is about waiting', you wait for you birth day and death, eventually. My 'soon becoming dunno what' always keeps me waiting, jokingly said that I might even have to wait till my hair turns grey; always waiting for her reply and stuff. It practically sums up all about work, romance, life and death.

Those ballads actually have some truth, love makes people go crazy. It makes people wanna shoot the moon, put out the sun, run from Beijing to Capetown, call down the stars, etc.

I realize that what makes me come back blogging is that I've so many things muddling my mind. I need a healer. Can't just talk to this, literally, dumb blog.